
package datasource

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Type Members

  1. abstract class CassandraBaseInJoinReader extends PartitionReader[InternalRow] with Logging
  2. case class CassandraBulkWrite(session: SparkSession, connector: CassandraConnector, tableDef: TableDef, writeConf: WriteConf, inputSchema: StructType, consolidatedConf: SparkConf) extends BatchWrite with StreamingWrite with Product with Serializable
  3. class CassandraCatalog extends CatalogPlugin with TableCatalog with SupportsNamespaces with Logging

    A Spark Sql Catalog for inter-operation with Cassandra

    A Spark Sql Catalog for inter-operation with Cassandra

    Namespaces naturally map to C* Keyspaces, but they are always only a single element deep.

  4. class CassandraCatalogException extends IllegalArgumentException
  5. case class CassandraCommitMessage() extends WriterCommitMessage with Product with Serializable
  6. case class CassandraCountPartitionReader(connector: CassandraConnector, tableDef: TableDef, schema: StructType, readConf: ReadConf, queryParts: CqlQueryParts, partition: CassandraPartition[Any, _ <: Token[Any]]) extends CassandraPartitionReaderBase with Product with Serializable

    Runs a COUNT(*) query instead of a request for actual rows Takes the results and returns that many empty internal rows

  7. case class CassandraDriverDataWriter(connector: CassandraConnector, tableDef: TableDef, inputSchema: StructType, writeConf: WriteConf) extends DataWriter[InternalRow] with Product with Serializable
  8. case class CassandraDriverDataWriterFactory(connector: CassandraConnector, tableDef: TableDef, inputSchema: StructType, writeConf: WriteConf) extends DataWriterFactory with StreamingDataWriterFactory with Product with Serializable
  9. case class CassandraInJoin(session: SparkSession, connector: CassandraConnector, tableDef: TableDef, inClauses: Seq[In], cqlQueryParts: CqlQueryParts, readSchema: StructType, readConf: ReadConf, consolidatedConf: SparkConf) extends Scan with Batch with SupportsReportPartitioning with Product with Serializable
  10. case class CassandraInJoinCountReader(connector: CassandraConnector, tableDef: TableDef, inClauses: Seq[In], readConf: ReadConf, schema: StructType, cqlQueryParts: CqlQueryParts, partition: InputPartition) extends CassandraBaseInJoinReader with Product with Serializable
  11. case class CassandraInJoinReader(connector: CassandraConnector, tableDef: TableDef, inClauses: Seq[In], readConf: ReadConf, schema: StructType, cqlQueryParts: CqlQueryParts, partition: InputPartition) extends CassandraBaseInJoinReader with Product with Serializable
  12. case class CassandraInJoinReaderFactory(connector: CassandraConnector, tableDef: TableDef, inClauses: Seq[In], readConf: ReadConf, schema: StructType, cqlQueryParts: CqlQueryParts) extends PartitionReaderFactory with Product with Serializable
  13. abstract class CassandraPartitionReaderBase extends PartitionReader[InternalRow] with SupportsReportStatistics with Logging
  14. class CassandraPartitioning extends KeyGroupedPartitioning
  15. case class CassandraScan(session: SparkSession, connector: CassandraConnector, tableDef: TableDef, cqlQueryParts: CqlQueryParts, readSchema: StructType, readConf: ReadConf, consolidatedConf: SparkConf) extends Scan with Batch with SupportsReportPartitioning with Product with Serializable
  16. case class CassandraScanBuilder(session: SparkSession, tableDef: TableDef, catalogName: String, options: CaseInsensitiveStringMap) extends ScanBuilder with SupportsPushDownFilters with SupportsPushDownRequiredColumns with Logging with Product with Serializable
  17. case class CassandraScanPartitionReader(connector: CassandraConnector, tableDef: TableDef, schema: StructType, readConf: ReadConf, queryParts: CqlQueryParts, partition: CassandraPartition[Any, _ <: Token[Any]]) extends CassandraPartitionReaderBase with Product with Serializable

    Physical Scan Reader of Cassandra

    Physical Scan Reader of Cassandra


    Connection to Cassandra to use for Reading


    Table Definition Information for the table being scanned


    Output Schema to be produced from this read


    Options relating to how the read should be performed


    Additional query elements to add to the TokenRange Scan query


    The Token Range to Query with Localization Info

  18. case class CassandraScanPartitionReaderFactory(connector: CassandraConnector, tableDef: TableDef, schema: StructType, readConf: ReadConf, queryParts: CqlQueryParts) extends PartitionReaderFactory with Product with Serializable
  19. case class CassandraTable(session: SparkSession, catalogConf: CaseInsensitiveStringMap, connector: CassandraConnector, catalogName: String, metadata: RelationMetadata, optionalSchema: Option[StructType] = None) extends Table with SupportsRead with SupportsWrite with Product with Serializable
  20. case class CassandraWriteBuilder(session: SparkSession, tableDef: TableDef, catalogName: String, options: CaseInsensitiveStringMap, inputSchema: StructType) extends WriteBuilder with SupportsTruncate with Product with Serializable
  21. class InternalRowWriter extends RowWriter[InternalRow]

    A RowWriter that can write SparkSQL InternalRow", schema defines the structure of InternalRows that will be processed by this writer.

  22. class InternalRowWriterFactory extends RowWriterFactory[InternalRow]
  23. case class NumberedInputPartition(index: Int, total: Int) extends InputPartition with Product with Serializable
  24. class UnsafeRowReader extends RowReader[UnsafeRow]
  25. class UnsafeRowReaderFactory extends RowReaderFactory[UnsafeRow]
  26. class UnsafeRowWriter extends RowWriter[UnsafeRow]

    A RowWriter that can write SparkSQL UnsafeRow objects.

    A RowWriter that can write SparkSQL UnsafeRow objects. expressions needs to be a sequence of already BoundReferences to the incoming UnsafeRows

  27. class UnsafeRowWriterFactory extends RowWriterFactory[UnsafeRow]

Value Members

  1. object CassandraCatalog
  2. object CassandraScanBuilder extends Serializable
  3. object CassandraSourceUtil extends Logging
  4. object InClauseKeyGenerator
  5. object JoinHelper extends Logging
  6. object ScanHelper extends Logging
  7. object UdtProjectionDecoder

    Helper for decoding sub selections of Cassandra UDTs.

    Helper for decoding sub selections of Cassandra UDTs. (Cassandra always responds with the full UDT, however Spark exepects only selected fields).

    The conversion is done on the level of Scala Data types, after conversion from Cassandra and before conversion to Catalyst.
