Source code for langchain_community.agent_toolkits.github.toolkit

"""GitHub Toolkit."""
from typing import Dict, List

from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field

from langchain_community.agent_toolkits.base import BaseToolkit
from import BaseTool
from import (
from import GitHubAction
from langchain_community.utilities.github import GitHubAPIWrapper

[docs]class NoInput(BaseModel): """Schema for operations that do not require any input.""" no_input: str = Field("", description="No input required, e.g. `` (empty string).")
[docs]class GetIssue(BaseModel): """Schema for operations that require an issue number as input.""" issue_number: int = Field(0, description="Issue number as an integer, e.g. `42`")
[docs]class CommentOnIssue(BaseModel): """Schema for operations that require a comment as input.""" input: str = Field(..., description="Follow the required formatting.")
[docs]class GetPR(BaseModel): """Schema for operations that require a PR number as input.""" pr_number: int = Field(0, description="The PR number as an integer, e.g. `12`")
[docs]class CreatePR(BaseModel): """Schema for operations that require a PR title and body as input.""" formatted_pr: str = Field(..., description="Follow the required formatting.")
[docs]class CreateFile(BaseModel): """Schema for operations that require a file path and content as input.""" formatted_file: str = Field(..., description="Follow the required formatting.")
[docs]class ReadFile(BaseModel): """Schema for operations that require a file path as input.""" formatted_filepath: str = Field( ..., description=( "The full file path of the file you would like to read where the " "path must NOT start with a slash, e.g. `some_dir/`." ), )
[docs]class UpdateFile(BaseModel): """Schema for operations that require a file path and content as input.""" formatted_file_update: str = Field( ..., description="Strictly follow the provided rules." )
[docs]class DeleteFile(BaseModel): """Schema for operations that require a file path as input.""" formatted_filepath: str = Field( ..., description=( "The full file path of the file you would like to delete" " where the path must NOT start with a slash, e.g." " `some_dir/`. Only input a string," " not the param name." ), )
[docs]class DirectoryPath(BaseModel): """Schema for operations that require a directory path as input.""" input: str = Field( "", description=( "The path of the directory, e.g. `some_dir/inner_dir`." " Only input a string, do not include the parameter name." ), )
[docs]class BranchName(BaseModel): """Schema for operations that require a branch name as input.""" branch_name: str = Field( ..., description="The name of the branch, e.g. `my_branch`." )
[docs]class SearchCode(BaseModel): """Schema for operations that require a search query as input.""" search_query: str = Field( ..., description=( "A keyword-focused natural language search" "query for code, e.g. `MyFunctionName()`." ), )
[docs]class CreateReviewRequest(BaseModel): """Schema for operations that require a username as input.""" username: str = Field( ..., description="GitHub username of the user being requested, e.g. `my_username`.", )
[docs]class SearchIssuesAndPRs(BaseModel): """Schema for operations that require a search query as input.""" search_query: str = Field( ..., description="Natural language search query, e.g. `My issue title or topic`.", )
[docs]class GitHubToolkit(BaseToolkit): """GitHub Toolkit. *Security Note*: This toolkit contains tools that can read and modify the state of a service; e.g., by creating, deleting, or updating, reading underlying data. For example, this toolkit can be used to create issues, pull requests, and comments on GitHub. See [Security]( for more information. """ tools: List[BaseTool] = []
[docs] @classmethod def from_github_api_wrapper( cls, github_api_wrapper: GitHubAPIWrapper ) -> "GitHubToolkit": operations: List[Dict] = [ { "mode": "get_issues", "name": "Get Issues", "description": GET_ISSUES_PROMPT, "args_schema": NoInput, }, { "mode": "get_issue", "name": "Get Issue", "description": GET_ISSUE_PROMPT, "args_schema": GetIssue, }, { "mode": "comment_on_issue", "name": "Comment on Issue", "description": COMMENT_ON_ISSUE_PROMPT, "args_schema": CommentOnIssue, }, { "mode": "list_open_pull_requests", "name": "List open pull requests (PRs)", "description": LIST_PRS_PROMPT, "args_schema": NoInput, }, { "mode": "get_pull_request", "name": "Get Pull Request", "description": GET_PR_PROMPT, "args_schema": GetPR, }, { "mode": "list_pull_request_files", "name": "Overview of files included in PR", "description": LIST_PULL_REQUEST_FILES, "args_schema": GetPR, }, { "mode": "create_pull_request", "name": "Create Pull Request", "description": CREATE_PULL_REQUEST_PROMPT, "args_schema": CreatePR, }, { "mode": "list_pull_request_files", "name": "List Pull Requests' Files", "description": LIST_PULL_REQUEST_FILES, "args_schema": GetPR, }, { "mode": "create_file", "name": "Create File", "description": CREATE_FILE_PROMPT, "args_schema": CreateFile, }, { "mode": "read_file", "name": "Read File", "description": READ_FILE_PROMPT, "args_schema": ReadFile, }, { "mode": "update_file", "name": "Update File", "description": UPDATE_FILE_PROMPT, "args_schema": UpdateFile, }, { "mode": "delete_file", "name": "Delete File", "description": DELETE_FILE_PROMPT, "args_schema": DeleteFile, }, { "mode": "list_files_in_main_branch", "name": "Overview of existing files in Main branch", "description": OVERVIEW_EXISTING_FILES_IN_MAIN, "args_schema": NoInput, }, { "mode": "list_files_in_bot_branch", "name": "Overview of files in current working branch", "description": OVERVIEW_EXISTING_FILES_BOT_BRANCH, "args_schema": NoInput, }, { "mode": "list_branches_in_repo", "name": "List branches in this repository", "description": LIST_BRANCHES_IN_REPO_PROMPT, "args_schema": NoInput, }, { "mode": "set_active_branch", "name": "Set active branch", "description": SET_ACTIVE_BRANCH_PROMPT, "args_schema": BranchName, }, { "mode": "create_branch", "name": "Create a new branch", "description": CREATE_BRANCH_PROMPT, "args_schema": BranchName, }, { "mode": "get_files_from_directory", "name": "Get files from a directory", "description": GET_FILES_FROM_DIRECTORY_PROMPT, "args_schema": DirectoryPath, }, { "mode": "search_issues_and_prs", "name": "Search issues and pull requests", "description": SEARCH_ISSUES_AND_PRS_PROMPT, "args_schema": SearchIssuesAndPRs, }, { "mode": "search_code", "name": "Search code", "description": SEARCH_CODE_PROMPT, "args_schema": SearchCode, }, { "mode": "create_review_request", "name": "Create review request", "description": CREATE_REVIEW_REQUEST_PROMPT, "args_schema": CreateReviewRequest, }, ] tools = [ GitHubAction( name=action["name"], description=action["description"], mode=action["mode"], api_wrapper=github_api_wrapper, args_schema=action.get("args_schema", None), ) for action in operations ] return cls(tools=tools)
[docs] def get_tools(self) -> List[BaseTool]: """Get the tools in the toolkit.""" return