
class langchain_core.runnables.graph_draw.AsciiCanvas(cols: int, lines: int)[source]¶

Class for drawing in ASCII.

  • cols (int) – number of columns in the canvas. Should be > 1.

  • lines (int) – number of lines in the canvas. Should be > 1.




__init__(cols, lines)

box(x0, y0, width, height)

Create a box on ASCII canvas.


Draws ASCII canvas on the screen.

line(x0, y0, x1, y1, char)

Create a line on ASCII canvas.

point(x, y, char)

Create a point on ASCII canvas.

text(x, y, text)

Print a text on ASCII canvas.

__init__(cols: int, lines: int) None[source]¶
box(x0: int, y0: int, width: int, height: int) None[source]¶

Create a box on ASCII canvas.

  • x0 (int) – x coordinate of the box corner.

  • y0 (int) – y coordinate of the box corner.

  • width (int) – box width.

  • height (int) – box height.

draw() str[source]¶

Draws ASCII canvas on the screen.

line(x0: int, y0: int, x1: int, y1: int, char: str) None[source]¶

Create a line on ASCII canvas.

  • x0 (int) – x coordinate where the line should start.

  • y0 (int) – y coordinate where the line should start.

  • x1 (int) – x coordinate where the line should end.

  • y1 (int) – y coordinate where the line should end.

  • char (str) – character to draw the line with.

point(x: int, y: int, char: str) None[source]¶

Create a point on ASCII canvas.

  • x (int) – x coordinate. Should be >= 0 and < number of columns in the canvas.

  • y (int) – y coordinate. Should be >= 0 an < number of lines in the canvas.

  • char (str) – character to place in the specified point on the canvas.

text(x: int, y: int, text: str) None[source]¶

Print a text on ASCII canvas.

  • x (int) – x coordinate where the text should start.

  • y (int) – y coordinate where the text should start.

  • text (str) – string that should be printed.