
class langchain_community.llms.azureml_endpoint.ContentFormatterBase[source]¶

Transform request and response of AzureML endpoint to match with required schema.



The MIME type of the response data returned from the endpoint


The MIME type of the input data passed to the endpoint



Supported APIs for the given formatter.




Escapes any special characters in prompt

format_request_payload(prompt, model_kwargs)

Formats the request body according to the input schema of the model.

format_response_payload(output[, api_type])

Formats the response body according to the output schema of the model.

static escape_special_characters(prompt: str) str[source]¶

Escapes any special characters in prompt

abstract format_request_payload(prompt: str, model_kwargs: Dict, api_type: AzureMLEndpointApiType = AzureMLEndpointApiType.realtime) bytes[source]¶

Formats the request body according to the input schema of the model. Returns bytes or seekable file like object in the format specified in the content_type request header.

abstract format_response_payload(output: bytes, api_type: AzureMLEndpointApiType = AzureMLEndpointApiType.realtime) Generation[source]¶

Formats the response body according to the output schema of the model. Returns the data type that is received from the response.

Examples using ContentFormatterBase¶