
class*, api_key: Optional[str] = None, iam_token: Optional[str] = None, model: str = 'general', language: str = 'auto')[source]¶

Transcribe and parse audio files. Audio transcription is with OpenAI Whisper model.

Initialize the parser.

  • api_key – API key for a service account

  • role. (with the ai.speechkit-stt.user) –

  • iam_token – IAM token for a service account

  • role. –

  • model – Recognition model name. Defaults to general.

  • language – The language in ISO 639-1 format. Defaults to automatic language recognition.

Either api_key or iam_token must be provided, but not both.


__init__(*[, api_key, iam_token, model, ...])

Initialize the parser.


Lazily parse the blob.


Eagerly parse the blob into a document or documents.

__init__(*, api_key: Optional[str] = None, iam_token: Optional[str] = None, model: str = 'general', language: str = 'auto')[source]¶

Initialize the parser.

  • api_key – API key for a service account

  • role. (with the ai.speechkit-stt.user) –

  • iam_token – IAM token for a service account

  • role. –

  • model – Recognition model name. Defaults to general.

  • language – The language in ISO 639-1 format. Defaults to automatic language recognition.

Either api_key or iam_token must be provided, but not both.

lazy_parse(blob: Blob) Iterator[Document][source]¶

Lazily parse the blob.

parse(blob: Blob) List[Document]¶

Eagerly parse the blob into a document or documents.

This is a convenience method for interactive development environment.

Production applications should favor the lazy_parse method instead.

Subclasses should generally not over-ride this parse method.


blob – Blob instance


List of documents