
class langchain_community.chat_message_histories.momento.MomentoChatMessageHistory(session_id: str, cache_client: momento.CacheClient, cache_name: str, *, key_prefix: str = 'message_store:', ttl: Optional[timedelta] = None, ensure_cache_exists: bool = True)[source]¶

Chat message history cache that uses Momento as a backend.


Instantiate a chat message history cache that uses Momento as a backend.

Note: to instantiate the cache client passed to MomentoChatMessageHistory, you must have a Momento account at

  • session_id (str) – The session ID to use for this chat session.

  • cache_client (CacheClient) – The Momento cache client.

  • cache_name (str) – The name of the cache to use to store the messages.

  • key_prefix (str, optional) – The prefix to apply to the cache key. Defaults to “message_store:”.

  • ttl (Optional[timedelta], optional) – The TTL to use for the messages. Defaults to None, ie the default TTL of the cache will be used.

  • ensure_cache_exists (bool, optional) – Create the cache if it doesn’t exist. Defaults to True.

  • ImportError – Momento python package is not installed.

  • TypeError – cache_client is not of type momento.CacheClientObject



Retrieve the messages from Momento.


__init__(session_id, cache_client, cache_name, *)

Instantiate a chat message history cache that uses Momento as a backend.


Convenience method for adding an AI message string to the store.


Store a message in the cache.


Convenience method for adding a human message string to the store.


Remove the session's messages from the cache.

from_client_params(session_id, cache_name, ...)

Construct cache from CacheClient parameters.

__init__(session_id: str, cache_client: momento.CacheClient, cache_name: str, *, key_prefix: str = 'message_store:', ttl: Optional[timedelta] = None, ensure_cache_exists: bool = True)[source]¶

Instantiate a chat message history cache that uses Momento as a backend.

Note: to instantiate the cache client passed to MomentoChatMessageHistory, you must have a Momento account at

  • session_id (str) – The session ID to use for this chat session.

  • cache_client (CacheClient) – The Momento cache client.

  • cache_name (str) – The name of the cache to use to store the messages.

  • key_prefix (str, optional) – The prefix to apply to the cache key. Defaults to “message_store:”.

  • ttl (Optional[timedelta], optional) – The TTL to use for the messages. Defaults to None, ie the default TTL of the cache will be used.

  • ensure_cache_exists (bool, optional) – Create the cache if it doesn’t exist. Defaults to True.

  • ImportError – Momento python package is not installed.

  • TypeError – cache_client is not of type momento.CacheClientObject

add_ai_message(message: Union[AIMessage, str]) None¶

Convenience method for adding an AI message string to the store.


message – The AI message to add.

add_message(message: BaseMessage) None[source]¶

Store a message in the cache.


message (BaseMessage) – The message object to store.

  • SdkException – Momento service or network error.

  • Exception – Unexpected response.

add_user_message(message: Union[HumanMessage, str]) None¶

Convenience method for adding a human message string to the store.


message – The human message to add

clear() None[source]¶

Remove the session’s messages from the cache.

  • SdkException – Momento service or network error.

  • Exception – Unexpected response.

classmethod from_client_params(session_id: str, cache_name: str, ttl: timedelta, *, configuration: Optional[momento.config.Configuration] = None, api_key: Optional[str] = None, auth_token: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) MomentoChatMessageHistory[source]¶

Construct cache from CacheClient parameters.

Examples using MomentoChatMessageHistory¶