
class langchain_community.callbacks.streamlit.mutable_expander.MutableExpander(parent_container: DeltaGenerator, label: str, expanded: bool)[source]¶

A Streamlit expander that can be renamed and dynamically expanded/collapsed.

Create a new MutableExpander.

  • parent_container –

    The st.container that the expander will be created inside.

    The expander transparently deletes and recreates its underlying st.expander instance when its label changes, and it uses parent_container to ensure it recreates this underlying expander in the same location onscreen.

  • label – The expander’s initial label.

  • expanded – The expander’s initial expanded value.



True if the expander was created with expanded=True.


The expander's label string.


__init__(parent_container, label, expanded)

Create a new MutableExpander.


Append a copy of another MutableExpander's children to this MutableExpander.


Remove the container and its contents entirely.

exception(exception, *[, index])

Add an Exception element to the container and return its index.

markdown(body[, unsafe_allow_html, help, index])

Add a Markdown element to the container and return its index.

update(*[, new_label, new_expanded])

Change the expander's label and expanded state

__init__(parent_container: DeltaGenerator, label: str, expanded: bool)[source]¶

Create a new MutableExpander.

  • parent_container –

    The st.container that the expander will be created inside.

    The expander transparently deletes and recreates its underlying st.expander instance when its label changes, and it uses parent_container to ensure it recreates this underlying expander in the same location onscreen.

  • label – The expander’s initial label.

  • expanded – The expander’s initial expanded value.

append_copy(other: MutableExpander) None[source]¶

Append a copy of another MutableExpander’s children to this MutableExpander.

clear() None[source]¶

Remove the container and its contents entirely. A cleared container can’t be reused.

exception(exception: BaseException, *, index: Optional[int] = None) int[source]¶

Add an Exception element to the container and return its index.

markdown(body: SupportsStr, unsafe_allow_html: bool = False, *, help: Optional[str] = None, index: Optional[int] = None) int[source]¶

Add a Markdown element to the container and return its index.

update(*, new_label: Optional[str] = None, new_expanded: Optional[bool] = None) None[source]¶

Change the expander’s label and expanded state