Source code for langchain_community.document_loaders.base_o365

"""Base class for all loaders that uses O365 Package"""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import tempfile
from abc import abstractmethod
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Iterable, List, Sequence, Union

from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import (

from langchain_community.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader
from langchain_community.document_loaders.blob_loaders.file_system import (
from langchain_community.document_loaders.blob_loaders.schema import Blob

    from O365 import Account
    from import Drive, Folder

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 5

class _O365Settings(BaseSettings):
    client_id: str = Field(..., env="O365_CLIENT_ID")
    client_secret: SecretStr = Field(..., env="O365_CLIENT_SECRET")

    class Config:
        env_prefix = ""
        case_sentive = False
        env_file = ".env"

class _O365TokenStorage(BaseSettings):
    token_path: FilePath = Path.home() / ".credentials" / "o365_token.txt"

class _FileType(str, Enum):
    DOC = "doc"
    DOCX = "docx"
    PDF = "pdf"

[docs]def fetch_mime_types(file_types: Sequence[_FileType]) -> Dict[str, str]: """Fetch the mime types for the specified file types.""" mime_types_mapping = {} for file_type in file_types: if file_type.value == "doc": mime_types_mapping[file_type.value] = "application/msword" elif file_type.value == "docx": mime_types_mapping[ file_type.value ] = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" # noqa: E501 elif file_type.value == "pdf": mime_types_mapping[file_type.value] = "application/pdf" return mime_types_mapping
[docs]class O365BaseLoader(BaseLoader, BaseModel): """Base class for all loaders that uses O365 Package""" settings: _O365Settings = Field(default_factory=_O365Settings) """Settings for the Office365 API client.""" auth_with_token: bool = False """Whether to authenticate with a token or not. Defaults to False.""" chunk_size: Union[int, str] = CHUNK_SIZE """Number of bytes to retrieve from each api call to the server. int or 'auto'.""" @property @abstractmethod def _file_types(self) -> Sequence[_FileType]: """Return supported file types.""" @property def _fetch_mime_types(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Return a dict of supported file types to corresponding mime types.""" return fetch_mime_types(self._file_types) @property @abstractmethod def _scopes(self) -> List[str]: """Return required scopes.""" def _load_from_folder(self, folder: Folder) -> Iterable[Blob]: """Lazily load all files from a specified folder of the configured MIME type. Args: folder: The Folder instance from which the files are to be loaded. This Folder instance should represent a directory in a file system where the files are stored. Yields: An iterator that yields Blob instances, which are binary representations of the files loaded from the folder. """ file_mime_types = self._fetch_mime_types items = folder.get_items() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(temp_dir), exist_ok=True) for file in items: if file.is_file: if file.mime_type in list(file_mime_types.values()):, chunk_size=self.chunk_size) loader = FileSystemBlobLoader(path=temp_dir) yield from loader.yield_blobs() def _load_from_object_ids( self, drive: Drive, object_ids: List[str] ) -> Iterable[Blob]: """Lazily load files specified by their object_ids from a drive. Load files into the system as binary large objects (Blobs) and return Iterable. Args: drive: The Drive instance from which the files are to be loaded. This Drive instance should represent a cloud storage service or similar storage system where the files are stored. object_ids: A list of object_id strings. Each object_id represents a unique identifier for a file in the drive. Yields: An iterator that yields Blob instances, which are binary representations of the files loaded from the drive using the specified object_ids. """ file_mime_types = self._fetch_mime_types with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: for object_id in object_ids: file = drive.get_item(object_id) if not file: logging.warning( "There isn't a file with" f"object_id {object_id} in drive {drive}." ) continue if file.is_file: if file.mime_type in list(file_mime_types.values()):, chunk_size=self.chunk_size) loader = FileSystemBlobLoader(path=temp_dir) yield from loader.yield_blobs() def _auth(self) -> Account: """Authenticates the OneDrive API client Returns: The authenticated Account object. """ try: from O365 import Account, FileSystemTokenBackend except ImportError: raise ImportError( "O365 package not found, please install it with `pip install o365`" ) if self.auth_with_token: token_storage = _O365TokenStorage() token_path = token_storage.token_path token_backend = FileSystemTokenBackend( token_path=token_path.parent, ) account = Account( credentials=( self.settings.client_id, self.settings.client_secret.get_secret_value(), ), scopes=self._scopes, token_backend=token_backend, **{"raise_http_errors": False}, ) else: token_backend = FileSystemTokenBackend( token_path=Path.home() / ".credentials" ) account = Account( credentials=( self.settings.client_id, self.settings.client_secret.get_secret_value(), ), scopes=self._scopes, token_backend=token_backend, **{"raise_http_errors": False}, ) # make the auth account.authenticate() return account