Source code for langchain_core.tracers.log_stream

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import math
import threading
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (
from uuid import UUID

import jsonpatch  # type: ignore[import]
from anyio import create_memory_object_stream

from langchain_core.load import load
from langchain_core.outputs import ChatGenerationChunk, GenerationChunk
from langchain_core.tracers.base import BaseTracer
from langchain_core.tracers.schemas import Run

[docs]class LogEntry(TypedDict): """A single entry in the run log.""" id: str """ID of the sub-run.""" name: str """Name of the object being run.""" type: str """Type of the object being run, eg. prompt, chain, llm, etc.""" tags: List[str] """List of tags for the run.""" metadata: Dict[str, Any] """Key-value pairs of metadata for the run.""" start_time: str """ISO-8601 timestamp of when the run started.""" streamed_output_str: List[str] """List of LLM tokens streamed by this run, if applicable.""" streamed_output: List[Any] """List of output chunks streamed by this run, if available.""" final_output: Optional[Any] """Final output of this run. Only available after the run has finished successfully.""" end_time: Optional[str] """ISO-8601 timestamp of when the run ended. Only available after the run has finished."""
[docs]class RunState(TypedDict): """State of the run.""" id: str """ID of the run.""" streamed_output: List[Any] """List of output chunks streamed by""" final_output: Optional[Any] """Final output of the run, usually the result of aggregating (`+`) streamed_output. Updated throughout the run when supported by the Runnable.""" logs: Dict[str, LogEntry] """Map of run names to sub-runs. If filters were supplied, this list will contain only the runs that matched the filters."""
[docs]class RunLogPatch: """A patch to the run log.""" ops: List[Dict[str, Any]] """List of jsonpatch operations, which describe how to create the run state from an empty dict. This is the minimal representation of the log, designed to be serialized as JSON and sent over the wire to reconstruct the log on the other side. Reconstruction of the state can be done with any jsonpatch-compliant library, see for more information."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *ops: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self.ops = list(ops)
def __add__(self, other: Union[RunLogPatch, Any]) -> RunLog: if type(other) == RunLogPatch: ops = self.ops + other.ops state = jsonpatch.apply_patch(None, copy.deepcopy(ops)) return RunLog(*ops, state=state) raise TypeError( f"unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{type(self)}' and '{type(other)}'" ) def __repr__(self) -> str: from pprint import pformat # 1:-1 to get rid of the [] around the list return f"RunLogPatch({pformat(self.ops)[1:-1]})" def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return isinstance(other, RunLogPatch) and self.ops == other.ops
[docs]class RunLog(RunLogPatch): """A run log.""" state: RunState """Current state of the log, obtained from applying all ops in sequence."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *ops: Dict[str, Any], state: RunState) -> None: super().__init__(*ops) self.state = state
def __add__(self, other: Union[RunLogPatch, Any]) -> RunLog: if type(other) == RunLogPatch: ops = self.ops + other.ops state = jsonpatch.apply_patch(self.state, other.ops) return RunLog(*ops, state=state) raise TypeError( f"unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{type(self)}' and '{type(other)}'" ) def __repr__(self) -> str: from pprint import pformat return f"RunLog({pformat(self.state)})"
[docs]class LogStreamCallbackHandler(BaseTracer): """A tracer that streams run logs to a stream."""
[docs] def __init__( self, *, auto_close: bool = True, include_names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, include_types: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, include_tags: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, exclude_names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, exclude_types: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, exclude_tags: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.auto_close = auto_close self.include_names = include_names self.include_types = include_types self.include_tags = include_tags self.exclude_names = exclude_names self.exclude_types = exclude_types self.exclude_tags = exclude_tags send_stream: Any receive_stream: Any send_stream, receive_stream = create_memory_object_stream(math.inf) self.lock = threading.Lock() self.send_stream = send_stream self.receive_stream = receive_stream self._key_map_by_run_id: Dict[UUID, str] = {} self._counter_map_by_name: Dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) self.root_id: Optional[UUID] = None
def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[RunLogPatch]: return self.receive_stream.__aiter__()
[docs] def include_run(self, run: Run) -> bool: if == self.root_id: return False run_tags = run.tags or [] if ( self.include_names is None and self.include_types is None and self.include_tags is None ): include = True else: include = False if self.include_names is not None: include = include or in self.include_names if self.include_types is not None: include = include or run.run_type in self.include_types if self.include_tags is not None: include = include or any(tag in self.include_tags for tag in run_tags) if self.exclude_names is not None: include = include and not in self.exclude_names if self.exclude_types is not None: include = include and run.run_type not in self.exclude_types if self.exclude_tags is not None: include = include and all(tag not in self.exclude_tags for tag in run_tags) return include
def _persist_run(self, run: Run) -> None: # This is a legacy method only called once for an entire run tree # therefore not useful here pass def _on_run_create(self, run: Run) -> None: """Start a run.""" if self.root_id is None: self.root_id = self.send_stream.send_nowait( RunLogPatch( { "op": "replace", "path": "", "value": RunState( id=str(, streamed_output=[], final_output=None, logs={}, ), } ) ) if not self.include_run(run): return # Determine previous index, increment by 1 with self.lock: self._counter_map_by_name[] += 1 count = self._counter_map_by_name[] self._key_map_by_run_id[] = ( if count == 1 else f"{}:{count}" ) # Add the run to the stream self.send_stream.send_nowait( RunLogPatch( { "op": "add", "path": f"/logs/{self._key_map_by_run_id[]}", "value": LogEntry( id=str(,, type=run.run_type, tags=run.tags or [], metadata=(run.extra or {}).get("metadata", {}), start_time=run.start_time.isoformat(timespec="milliseconds"), streamed_output=[], streamed_output_str=[], final_output=None, end_time=None, ), } ) ) def _on_run_update(self, run: Run) -> None: """Finish a run.""" try: index = self._key_map_by_run_id.get( if index is None: return self.send_stream.send_nowait( RunLogPatch( { "op": "add", "path": f"/logs/{index}/final_output", # to undo the dumpd done by some runnables / tracer / etc "value": load(run.outputs), }, { "op": "add", "path": f"/logs/{index}/end_time", "value": run.end_time.isoformat(timespec="milliseconds") if run.end_time is not None else None, }, ) ) finally: if == self.root_id: if self.auto_close: self.send_stream.close() def _on_llm_new_token( self, run: Run, token: str, chunk: Optional[Union[GenerationChunk, ChatGenerationChunk]], ) -> None: """Process new LLM token.""" index = self._key_map_by_run_id.get( if index is None: return self.send_stream.send_nowait( RunLogPatch( { "op": "add", "path": f"/logs/{index}/streamed_output_str/-", "value": token, }, { "op": "add", "path": f"/logs/{index}/streamed_output/-", "value": chunk.message if isinstance(chunk, ChatGenerationChunk) else token, }, ) )