Source code for langchain_community.document_loaders.notebook

"""Loads .ipynb notebook files."""
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, List

from langchain_core.documents import Document

from langchain_community.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader

[docs]def concatenate_cells( cell: dict, include_outputs: bool, max_output_length: int, traceback: bool ) -> str: """Combine cells information in a readable format ready to be used. Args: cell: A dictionary include_outputs: Whether to include the outputs of the cell. max_output_length: Maximum length of the output to be displayed. traceback: Whether to return a traceback of the error. Returns: A string with the cell information. """ cell_type = cell["cell_type"] source = cell["source"] output = cell["outputs"] if include_outputs and cell_type == "code" and output: if "ename" in output[0].keys(): error_name = output[0]["ename"] error_value = output[0]["evalue"] if traceback: traceback = output[0]["traceback"] return ( f"'{cell_type}' cell: '{source}'\n, gives error '{error_name}'," f" with description '{error_value}'\n" f"and traceback '{traceback}'\n\n" ) else: return ( f"'{cell_type}' cell: '{source}'\n, gives error '{error_name}'," f"with description '{error_value}'\n\n" ) elif output[0]["output_type"] == "stream": output = output[0]["text"] min_output = min(max_output_length, len(output)) return ( f"'{cell_type}' cell: '{source}'\n with " f"output: '{output[:min_output]}'\n\n" ) else: return f"'{cell_type}' cell: '{source}'\n\n" return ""
[docs]def remove_newlines(x: Any) -> Any: """Recursively remove newlines, no matter the data structure they are stored in.""" import pandas as pd if isinstance(x, str): return x.replace("\n", "") elif isinstance(x, list): return [remove_newlines(elem) for elem in x] elif isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): return x.applymap(remove_newlines) else: return x
[docs]class NotebookLoader(BaseLoader): """Load `Jupyter notebook` (.ipynb) files."""
[docs] def __init__( self, path: str, include_outputs: bool = False, max_output_length: int = 10, remove_newline: bool = False, traceback: bool = False, ): """Initialize with a path. Args: path: The path to load the notebook from. include_outputs: Whether to include the outputs of the cell. Defaults to False. max_output_length: Maximum length of the output to be displayed. Defaults to 10. remove_newline: Whether to remove newlines from the notebook. Defaults to False. traceback: Whether to return a traceback of the error. Defaults to False. """ self.file_path = path self.include_outputs = include_outputs self.max_output_length = max_output_length self.remove_newline = remove_newline self.traceback = traceback
[docs] def load( self, ) -> List[Document]: """Load documents.""" try: import pandas as pd except ImportError: raise ImportError( "pandas is needed for Notebook Loader, " "please install with `pip install pandas`" ) p = Path(self.file_path) with open(p, encoding="utf8") as f: d = json.load(f) data = pd.json_normalize(d["cells"]) filtered_data = data[["cell_type", "source", "outputs"]] if self.remove_newline: filtered_data = filtered_data.applymap(remove_newlines) text = filtered_data.apply( lambda x: concatenate_cells( x, self.include_outputs, self.max_output_length, self.traceback ), axis=1, )" ") metadata = {"source": str(p)} return [Document(page_content=text, metadata=metadata)]