Source code for sqlalchemy.orm.decl_base

# ext/declarative/
# Copyright (C) 2005-2023 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
# <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
# the MIT License:

"""Internal implementation for declarative."""

from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import dataclasses
import re
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import cast
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterable
from typing import List
from typing import Mapping
from typing import NamedTuple
from typing import NoReturn
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Type
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union
import weakref

from . import attributes
from . import clsregistry
from . import exc as orm_exc
from . import instrumentation
from . import mapperlib
from ._typing import _O
from ._typing import attr_is_internal_proxy
from .attributes import InstrumentedAttribute
from .attributes import QueryableAttribute
from .base import _is_mapped_class
from .base import InspectionAttr
from .descriptor_props import CompositeProperty
from .descriptor_props import SynonymProperty
from .interfaces import _AttributeOptions
from .interfaces import _DCAttributeOptions
from .interfaces import _IntrospectsAnnotations
from .interfaces import _MappedAttribute
from .interfaces import _MapsColumns
from .interfaces import MapperProperty
from .mapper import Mapper
from .properties import ColumnProperty
from .properties import MappedColumn
from .util import _extract_mapped_subtype
from .util import _is_mapped_annotation
from .util import class_mapper
from .util import de_stringify_annotation
from .. import event
from .. import exc
from .. import util
from ..sql import expression
from ..sql.base import _NoArg
from ..sql.schema import Column
from ..sql.schema import Table
from ..util import topological
from ..util.typing import _AnnotationScanType
from ..util.typing import is_fwd_ref
from ..util.typing import is_literal
from ..util.typing import Protocol
from ..util.typing import TypedDict
from ..util.typing import typing_get_args

    from ._typing import _ClassDict
    from ._typing import _RegistryType
    from .base import Mapped
    from .decl_api import declared_attr
    from .instrumentation import ClassManager
    from ..sql.elements import NamedColumn
    from ..sql.schema import MetaData
    from ..sql.selectable import FromClause

_T = TypeVar("_T", bound=Any)

_MapperKwArgs = Mapping[str, Any]
_TableArgsType = Union[Tuple[Any, ...], Dict[str, Any]]

class MappedClassProtocol(Protocol[_O]):
    """A protocol representing a SQLAlchemy mapped class.

    The protocol is generic on the type of class, use
    ``MappedClassProtocol[Any]`` to allow any mapped class.

    __name__: str
    __mapper__: Mapper[_O]
    __table__: FromClause

    def __call__(self, **kw: Any) -> _O:

class _DeclMappedClassProtocol(MappedClassProtocol[_O], Protocol):
    "Internal more detailed version of ``MappedClassProtocol``."
    metadata: MetaData
    __tablename__: str
    __mapper_args__: _MapperKwArgs
    __table_args__: Optional[_TableArgsType]

    _sa_apply_dc_transforms: Optional[_DataclassArguments]

    def __declare_first__(self) -> None:

    def __declare_last__(self) -> None:

class _DataclassArguments(TypedDict):
    init: Union[_NoArg, bool]
    repr: Union[_NoArg, bool]
    eq: Union[_NoArg, bool]
    order: Union[_NoArg, bool]
    unsafe_hash: Union[_NoArg, bool]
    match_args: Union[_NoArg, bool]
    kw_only: Union[_NoArg, bool]
    dataclass_callable: Union[_NoArg, Callable[..., Type[Any]]]

def _declared_mapping_info(
    cls: Type[Any],
) -> Optional[Union[_DeferredMapperConfig, Mapper[Any]]]:
    # deferred mapping
    if _DeferredMapperConfig.has_cls(cls):
        return _DeferredMapperConfig.config_for_cls(cls)
    # regular mapping
    elif _is_mapped_class(cls):
        return class_mapper(cls, configure=False)
        return None

def _is_supercls_for_inherits(cls: Type[Any]) -> bool:
    """return True if this class will be used as a superclass to set in

    This includes deferred mapper configs that aren't mapped yet, however does
    not include classes with _sa_decl_prepare_nocascade (e.g.
    ``AbstractConcreteBase``); these concrete-only classes are not set up as
    "inherits" until after mappers are configured using

    if _DeferredMapperConfig.has_cls(cls):
        return not _get_immediate_cls_attr(
            cls, "_sa_decl_prepare_nocascade", strict=True
    # regular mapping
    elif _is_mapped_class(cls):
        return True
        return False

def _resolve_for_abstract_or_classical(cls: Type[Any]) -> Optional[Type[Any]]:
    if cls is object:
        return None

    sup: Optional[Type[Any]]

    if cls.__dict__.get("__abstract__", False):
        for base_ in cls.__bases__:
            sup = _resolve_for_abstract_or_classical(base_)
            if sup is not None:
                return sup
            return None
        clsmanager = _dive_for_cls_manager(cls)

        if clsmanager:
            return clsmanager.class_
            return cls

def _get_immediate_cls_attr(
    cls: Type[Any], attrname: str, strict: bool = False
) -> Optional[Any]:
    """return an attribute of the class that is either present directly
    on the class, e.g. not on a superclass, or is from a superclass but
    this superclass is a non-mapped mixin, that is, not a descendant of
    the declarative base and is also not classically mapped.

    This is used to detect attributes that indicate something about
    a mapped class independently from any mapped classes that it may
    inherit from.


    # the rules are different for this name than others,
    # make sure we've moved it out.  transitional
    assert attrname != "__abstract__"

    if not issubclass(cls, object):
        return None

    if attrname in cls.__dict__:
        return getattr(cls, attrname)

    for base in cls.__mro__[1:]:
        _is_classical_inherits = _dive_for_cls_manager(base) is not None

        if attrname in base.__dict__ and (
            base is cls
            or (
                (base in cls.__bases__ if strict else True)
                and not _is_classical_inherits
            return getattr(base, attrname)
        return None

def _dive_for_cls_manager(cls: Type[_O]) -> Optional[ClassManager[_O]]:
    # because the class manager registration is pluggable,
    # we need to do the search for every class in the hierarchy,
    # rather than just a simple "cls._sa_class_manager"

    for base in cls.__mro__:
        manager: Optional[ClassManager[_O]] = attributes.opt_manager_of_class(
        if manager:
            return manager
    return None

def _as_declarative(
    registry: _RegistryType, cls: Type[Any], dict_: _ClassDict
) -> Optional[_MapperConfig]:
    # declarative scans the class for attributes.  no table or mapper
    # args passed separately.
    return _MapperConfig.setup_mapping(registry, cls, dict_, None, {})

def _mapper(
    registry: _RegistryType,
    cls: Type[_O],
    table: Optional[FromClause],
    mapper_kw: _MapperKwArgs,
) -> Mapper[_O]:
    _ImperativeMapperConfig(registry, cls, table, mapper_kw)
    return cast("MappedClassProtocol[_O]", cls).__mapper__

def _is_declarative_props(obj: Any) -> bool:
    _declared_attr_common = util.preloaded.orm_decl_api._declared_attr_common

    return isinstance(obj, (_declared_attr_common, util.classproperty))

def _check_declared_props_nocascade(
    obj: Any, name: str, cls: Type[_O]
) -> bool:
    if _is_declarative_props(obj):
        if getattr(obj, "_cascading", False):
                "@declared_attr.cascading is not supported on the %s "
                "attribute on class %s.  This attribute invokes for "
                "subclasses in any case." % (name, cls)
        return True
        return False

class _MapperConfig:
    __slots__ = (

    cls: Type[Any]
    classname: str
    properties: util.OrderedDict[
            Sequence[NamedColumn[Any]], NamedColumn[Any], MapperProperty[Any]
    declared_attr_reg: Dict[declared_attr[Any], Any]

    def setup_mapping(
        registry: _RegistryType,
        cls_: Type[_O],
        dict_: _ClassDict,
        table: Optional[FromClause],
        mapper_kw: _MapperKwArgs,
    ) -> Optional[_MapperConfig]:
        manager = attributes.opt_manager_of_class(cls)
        if manager and manager.class_ is cls_:
            raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
                f"Class {cls!r} already has been instrumented declaratively"

        if cls_.__dict__.get("__abstract__", False):
            return None

        defer_map = _get_immediate_cls_attr(
            cls_, "_sa_decl_prepare_nocascade", strict=True
        ) or hasattr(cls_, "_sa_decl_prepare")

        if defer_map:
            return _DeferredMapperConfig(
                registry, cls_, dict_, table, mapper_kw
            return _ClassScanMapperConfig(
                registry, cls_, dict_, table, mapper_kw

    def __init__(
        registry: _RegistryType,
        cls_: Type[Any],
        mapper_kw: _MapperKwArgs,
        self.cls = util.assert_arg_type(cls_, type, "cls_")
        self.classname = cls_.__name__ = util.OrderedDict()
        self.declared_attr_reg = {}

        if not mapper_kw.get("non_primary", False):
            manager = attributes.opt_manager_of_class(self.cls)
            if not manager or not manager.is_mapped:
                raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
                    "Class %s has no primary mapper configured.  Configure "
                    "a primary mapper first before setting up a non primary "
                    "Mapper." % self.cls

    def set_cls_attribute(self, attrname: str, value: _T) -> _T:
        manager = instrumentation.manager_of_class(self.cls)
        manager.install_member(attrname, value)
        return value

    def map(self, mapper_kw: _MapperKwArgs = ...) -> Mapper[Any]:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def _early_mapping(self, mapper_kw: _MapperKwArgs) -> None:

class _ImperativeMapperConfig(_MapperConfig):
    __slots__ = ("local_table", "inherits")

    def __init__(
        registry: _RegistryType,
        cls_: Type[_O],
        table: Optional[FromClause],
        mapper_kw: _MapperKwArgs,
        super().__init__(registry, cls_, mapper_kw)

        self.local_table = self.set_cls_attribute("__table__", table)

        with mapperlib._CONFIGURE_MUTEX:
            if not mapper_kw.get("non_primary", False):
                    self.classname, self.cls, registry._class_registry



    def map(self, mapper_kw: _MapperKwArgs = util.EMPTY_DICT) -> Mapper[Any]:
        mapper_cls = Mapper

        return self.set_cls_attribute(
            mapper_cls(self.cls, self.local_table, **mapper_kw),

    def _setup_inheritance(self, mapper_kw: _MapperKwArgs) -> None:
        cls = self.cls

        inherits = mapper_kw.get("inherits", None)

        if inherits is None:
            # since we search for classical mappings now, search for
            # multiple mapped bases as well and raise an error.
            inherits_search = []
            for base_ in cls.__bases__:
                c = _resolve_for_abstract_or_classical(base_)
                if c is None:

                if _is_supercls_for_inherits(c) and c not in inherits_search:

            if inherits_search:
                if len(inherits_search) > 1:
                    raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
                        "Class %s has multiple mapped bases: %r"
                        % (cls, inherits_search)
                inherits = inherits_search[0]
        elif isinstance(inherits, Mapper):
            inherits = inherits.class_

        self.inherits = inherits

class _CollectedAnnotation(NamedTuple):
    raw_annotation: _AnnotationScanType
    mapped_container: Optional[Type[Mapped[Any]]]
    extracted_mapped_annotation: Union[Type[Any], str]
    is_dataclass: bool
    attr_value: Any
    originating_module: str
    originating_class: Type[Any]

class _ClassScanMapperConfig(_MapperConfig):
    __slots__ = (

    is_deferred = False
    registry: _RegistryType
    clsdict_view: _ClassDict
    collected_annotations: Dict[str, _CollectedAnnotation]
    collected_attributes: Dict[str, Any]
    local_table: Optional[FromClause]
    persist_selectable: Optional[FromClause]
    declared_columns: util.OrderedSet[Column[Any]]
    column_ordering: Dict[Column[Any], int]
    column_copies: Dict[
        Union[MappedColumn[Any], Column[Any]],
        Union[MappedColumn[Any], Column[Any]],
    tablename: Optional[str]
    mapper_args: Mapping[str, Any]
    table_args: Optional[_TableArgsType]
    mapper_args_fn: Optional[Callable[[], Dict[str, Any]]]
    inherits: Optional[Type[Any]]
    single: bool

    is_dataclass_prior_to_mapping: bool
    allow_unmapped_annotations: bool

    dataclass_setup_arguments: Optional[_DataclassArguments]
    """if the class has SQLAlchemy native dataclass parameters, where
    we will turn the class into a dataclass within the declarative mapping


    allow_dataclass_fields: bool
    """if true, look for dataclass-processed Field objects on the target
    class as well as superclasses and extract ORM mapping directives from
    the "metadata" attribute of each Field.

    if False, dataclass fields can still be used, however they won't be


    def __init__(
        registry: _RegistryType,
        cls_: Type[_O],
        dict_: _ClassDict,
        table: Optional[FromClause],
        mapper_kw: _MapperKwArgs,
        # grab class dict before the instrumentation manager has been added.
        # reduces cycles
        self.clsdict_view = (
            util.immutabledict(dict_) if dict_ else util.EMPTY_DICT
        super().__init__(registry, cls_, mapper_kw)
        self.registry = registry
        self.persist_selectable = None

        self.collected_attributes = {}
        self.collected_annotations = {}
        self.declared_columns = util.OrderedSet()
        self.column_ordering = {}
        self.column_copies = {}
        self.single = False
        self.dataclass_setup_arguments = dca = getattr(
            self.cls, "_sa_apply_dc_transforms", None

        self.allow_unmapped_annotations = getattr(
            self.cls, "__allow_unmapped__", False
        ) or bool(self.dataclass_setup_arguments)

        self.is_dataclass_prior_to_mapping = cld = dataclasses.is_dataclass(

        sdk = _get_immediate_cls_attr(cls_, "__sa_dataclass_metadata_key__")

        # we don't want to consume Field objects from a not-already-dataclass.
        # the Field objects won't have their "name" or "type" populated,
        # and while it seems like we could just set these on Field as we
        # read them, Field is documented as "user read only" and we need to
        # stay far away from any off-label use of dataclasses APIs.
        if (not cld or dca) and sdk:
            raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
                "SQLAlchemy mapped dataclasses can't consume mapping "
                "information from dataclass.Field() objects if the immediate "
                "class is not already a dataclass."

        # if already a dataclass, and __sa_dataclass_metadata_key__ present,
        # then also look inside of dataclass.Field() objects yielded by
        # dataclasses.get_fields(cls) when scanning for attributes
        self.allow_dataclass_fields = bool(sdk and cld)




        with mapperlib._CONFIGURE_MUTEX:
                self.classname, self.cls, registry._class_registry







    def _setup_declared_events(self) -> None:
        if _get_immediate_cls_attr(self.cls, "__declare_last__"):

            @event.listens_for(Mapper, "after_configured")
            def after_configured() -> None:
                    "_DeclMappedClassProtocol[Any]", self.cls

        if _get_immediate_cls_attr(self.cls, "__declare_first__"):

            @event.listens_for(Mapper, "before_configured")
            def before_configured() -> None:
                    "_DeclMappedClassProtocol[Any]", self.cls

    def _cls_attr_override_checker(
        self, cls: Type[_O]
    ) -> Callable[[str, Any], bool]:
        """Produce a function that checks if a class has overridden an
        attribute, taking SQLAlchemy-enabled dataclass fields into account.


        if self.allow_dataclass_fields:
            sa_dataclass_metadata_key = _get_immediate_cls_attr(
                cls, "__sa_dataclass_metadata_key__"
            sa_dataclass_metadata_key = None

        if not sa_dataclass_metadata_key:

            def attribute_is_overridden(key: str, obj: Any) -> bool:
                return getattr(cls, key, obj) is not obj

            all_datacls_fields = {
                for f in util.dataclass_fields(cls)
                if sa_dataclass_metadata_key in f.metadata
            local_datacls_fields = {
                for f in util.local_dataclass_fields(cls)
                if sa_dataclass_metadata_key in f.metadata

            absent = object()

            def attribute_is_overridden(key: str, obj: Any) -> bool:
                if _is_declarative_props(obj):
                    obj = obj.fget

                # this function likely has some failure modes still if
                # someone is doing a deep mixing of the same attribute
                # name as plain Python attribute vs. dataclass field.

                ret = local_datacls_fields.get(key, absent)
                if _is_declarative_props(ret):
                    ret = ret.fget

                if ret is obj:
                    return False
                elif ret is not absent:
                    return True

                all_field = all_datacls_fields.get(key, absent)

                ret = getattr(cls, key, obj)

                if ret is obj:
                    return False

                # for dataclasses, this could be the
                # 'default' of the field.  so filter more specifically
                # for an already-mapped InstrumentedAttribute
                if ret is not absent and isinstance(
                    ret, InstrumentedAttribute
                    return True

                if all_field is obj:
                    return False
                elif all_field is not absent:
                    return True

                # can't find another attribute
                return False

        return attribute_is_overridden

    _include_dunders = {

    _match_exclude_dunders = re.compile(r"^(?:_sa_|__)")

    def _cls_attr_resolver(
        self, cls: Type[Any]
    ) -> Callable[[], Iterable[Tuple[str, Any, Any, bool]]]:
        """produce a function to iterate the "attributes" of a class
        which we want to consider for mapping, adjusting for SQLAlchemy fields
        embedded in dataclass fields.

        cls_annotations = util.get_annotations(cls)

        cls_vars = vars(cls)

        _include_dunders = self._include_dunders
        _match_exclude_dunders = self._match_exclude_dunders

        names = [
            for n in util.merge_lists_w_ordering(
                list(cls_vars), list(cls_annotations)
            if not _match_exclude_dunders.match(n) or n in _include_dunders

        if self.allow_dataclass_fields:
            sa_dataclass_metadata_key: Optional[str] = _get_immediate_cls_attr(
                cls, "__sa_dataclass_metadata_key__"
            sa_dataclass_metadata_key = None

        if not sa_dataclass_metadata_key:

            def local_attributes_for_class() -> (
                Iterable[Tuple[str, Any, Any, bool]]
                return (
                    for name in names

            dataclass_fields = {
       field for field in util.local_dataclass_fields(cls)

            fixed_sa_dataclass_metadata_key = sa_dataclass_metadata_key

            def local_attributes_for_class() -> (
                Iterable[Tuple[str, Any, Any, bool]]
                for name in names:
                    field = dataclass_fields.get(name, None)
                    if field and sa_dataclass_metadata_key in field.metadata:
                        yield, _as_dc_declaredattr(
                            field.metadata, fixed_sa_dataclass_metadata_key
                        ), cls_annotations.get(, True
                        yield name, cls_vars.get(name), cls_annotations.get(
                        ), False

        return local_attributes_for_class

    def _scan_attributes(self) -> None:
        cls = self.cls

        cls_as_Decl = cast("_DeclMappedClassProtocol[Any]", cls)

        clsdict_view = self.clsdict_view
        collected_attributes = self.collected_attributes
        column_copies = self.column_copies
        _include_dunders = self._include_dunders
        mapper_args_fn = None
        table_args = inherited_table_args = None

        tablename = None
        fixed_table = "__table__" in clsdict_view

        attribute_is_overridden = self._cls_attr_override_checker(self.cls)

        bases = []

        for base in cls.__mro__:
            # collect bases and make sure standalone columns are copied
            # to be the column they will ultimately be on the class,
            # so that declared_attr functions use the right columns.
            # need to do this all the way up the hierarchy first
            # (see #8190)

            class_mapped = base is not cls and _is_supercls_for_inherits(base)

            local_attributes_for_class = self._cls_attr_resolver(base)

            if not class_mapped and base is not cls:
                locally_collected_columns = self._produce_column_copies(
                locally_collected_columns = {}


        for (
        ) in bases:
            # this transfer can also take place as we scan each name
            # for finer-grained control of how collected_attributes is
            # populated, as this is what impacts column ordering.
            # however it's simpler to get it out of the way here.

            for (
            ) in local_attributes_for_class():
                if name in _include_dunders:
                    if name == "__mapper_args__":
                        check_decl = _check_declared_props_nocascade(
                            obj, name, cls
                        if not mapper_args_fn and (
                            not class_mapped or check_decl
                            # don't even invoke __mapper_args__ until
                            # after we've determined everything about the
                            # mapped table.
                            # make a copy of it so a class-level dictionary
                            # is not overwritten when we update column-based
                            # arguments.
                            def _mapper_args_fn() -> Dict[str, Any]:
                                return dict(cls_as_Decl.__mapper_args__)

                            mapper_args_fn = _mapper_args_fn

                    elif name == "__tablename__":
                        check_decl = _check_declared_props_nocascade(
                            obj, name, cls
                        if not tablename and (not class_mapped or check_decl):
                            tablename = cls_as_Decl.__tablename__
                    elif name == "__table_args__":
                        check_decl = _check_declared_props_nocascade(
                            obj, name, cls
                        if not table_args and (not class_mapped or check_decl):
                            table_args = cls_as_Decl.__table_args__
                            if not isinstance(
                                table_args, (tuple, dict, type(None))
                                raise exc.ArgumentError(
                                    "__table_args__ value must be a tuple, "
                                    "dict, or None"
                            if base is not cls:
                                inherited_table_args = True
                        # skip all other dunder names, which at the moment
                        # should only be __table__
                elif class_mapped:
                    if _is_declarative_props(obj) and not obj._quiet:
                            "Regular (i.e. not __special__) "
                            "attribute '%s.%s' uses @declared_attr, "
                            "but owning class %s is mapped - "
                            "not applying to subclass %s."
                            % (base.__name__, name, base, cls)

                elif base is not cls:
                    # we're a mixin, abstract base, or something that is
                    # acting like that for now.

                    if isinstance(obj, (Column, MappedColumn)):
                        # already copied columns to the mapped class.
                    elif isinstance(obj, MapperProperty):
                        raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
                            "Mapper properties (i.e. deferred,"
                            "column_property(), relationship(), etc.) must "
                            "be declared as @declared_attr callables "
                            "on declarative mixin classes.  For dataclass "
                            "field() objects, use a lambda:"
                    elif _is_declarative_props(obj):
                        # tried to get overloads to tell this to
                        # pylance, no luck
                        assert obj is not None

                        if obj._cascading:
                            if name in clsdict_view:
                                # unfortunately, while we can use the user-
                                # defined attribute here to allow a clean
                                # override, if there's another
                                # subclass below then it still tries to use
                                # this.  not sure if there is enough
                                # information here to add this as a feature
                                # later on.
                                    "Attribute '%s' on class %s cannot be "
                                    "processed due to "
                                    "@declared_attr.cascading; "
                                    "skipping" % (name, cls)
                            collected_attributes[name] = column_copies[
                            ] = ret = obj.__get__(obj, cls)
                            setattr(cls, name, ret)
                            if is_dataclass_field:
                                # access attribute using normal class access
                                # first, to see if it's been mapped on a
                                # superclass.   note if the dataclasses.field()
                                # has "default", this value can be anything.
                                ret = getattr(cls, name, None)

                                # so, if it's anything that's not ORM
                                # mapped, assume we should invoke the
                                # declared_attr
                                if not isinstance(ret, InspectionAttr):
                                    ret = obj.fget()
                                # access attribute using normal class access.
                                # if the declared attr already took place
                                # on a superclass that is mapped, then
                                # this is no longer a declared_attr, it will
                                # be the InstrumentedAttribute
                                ret = getattr(cls, name)

                            # correct for proxies created from hybrid_property
                            # or similar.  note there is no known case that
                            # produces nested proxies, so we are only
                            # looking one level deep right now.

                            if (
                                isinstance(ret, InspectionAttr)
                                and attr_is_internal_proxy(ret)
                                and not isinstance(
                                    ret.original_property, MapperProperty
                                ret = ret.descriptor

                            collected_attributes[name] = column_copies[
                            ] = ret

                        if (
                            isinstance(ret, (Column, MapperProperty))
                            and ret.doc is None
                            ret.doc = obj.__doc__

                    elif _is_mapped_annotation(annotation, cls, base):
                        # Mapped annotation without any object.
                        # product_column_copies should have handled this.
                        # if future support for other MapperProperty,
                        # then test if this name is already handled and
                        # otherwise proceed to generate.
                        if not fixed_table:
                            assert (
                                name in collected_attributes
                                or attribute_is_overridden(name, None)
                        # here, the attribute is some other kind of
                        # property that we assume is not part of the
                        # declarative mapping.  however, check for some
                        # more common mistakes
                        self._warn_for_decl_attributes(base, name, obj)
                elif is_dataclass_field and (
                    name not in clsdict_view or clsdict_view[name] is not obj
                    # here, we are definitely looking at the target class
                    # and not a superclass.   this is currently a
                    # dataclass-only path.  if the name is only
                    # a dataclass field and isn't in local cls.__dict__,
                    # put the object there.
                    # assert that the dataclass-enabled resolver agrees
                    # with what we are seeing

                    assert not attribute_is_overridden(name, obj)

                    if _is_declarative_props(obj):
                        obj = obj.fget()

                    collected_attributes[name] = obj
                        name, annotation, base, False, obj
                    collected_annotation = self._collect_annotation(
                        name, annotation, base, None, obj
                    is_mapped = (
                        collected_annotation is not None
                        and collected_annotation.mapped_container is not None
                    generated_obj = (
                        if collected_annotation is not None
                        else obj
                    if obj is None and not fixed_table and is_mapped:
                        collected_attributes[name] = (
                            if generated_obj is not None
                            else MappedColumn()
                    elif name in clsdict_view:
                        collected_attributes[name] = obj
                    # else if the name is not in the cls.__dict__,
                    # don't collect it as an attribute.
                    # we will see the annotation only, which is meaningful
                    # both for mapping and dataclasses setup

        if inherited_table_args and not tablename:
            table_args = None

        self.table_args = table_args
        self.tablename = tablename
        self.mapper_args_fn = mapper_args_fn

    def _setup_dataclasses_transforms(self) -> None:
        dataclass_setup_arguments = self.dataclass_setup_arguments
        if not dataclass_setup_arguments:

        # can't use is_dataclass since it uses hasattr
        if "__dataclass_fields__" in self.cls.__dict__:
            raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
                f"Class {self.cls} is already a dataclass; ensure that "
                "base classes / decorator styles of establishing dataclasses "
                "are not being mixed. "
                "This can happen if a class that inherits from "
                "'MappedAsDataclass', even indirectly, is been mapped with "

        warn_for_non_dc_attrs = collections.defaultdict(list)

        def _allow_dataclass_field(
            key: str, originating_class: Type[Any]
        ) -> bool:
            if (
                originating_class is not self.cls
                and "__dataclass_fields__" not in originating_class.__dict__

            return True

        manager = instrumentation.manager_of_class(self.cls)
        assert manager is not None

        field_list = [
                self.collected_attributes.get(key, _NoArg.NO_ARG),
            for key, anno, mapped_container in (
                    mapped_anno if mapped_anno else raw_anno,
                for key, (
                ) in self.collected_annotations.items()
                if _allow_dataclass_field(key, originating_class)
                and (
                    key not in self.collected_attributes
                    # issue #9226; check for attributes that we've collected
                    # which are already instrumented, which we would assume
                    # mean we are in an ORM inheritance mapping and this
                    # attribute is already mapped on the superclass.   Under
                    # no circumstance should any QueryableAttribute be sent to
                    # the dataclass() function; anything that's mapped should
                    # be Field and that's it
                    or not isinstance(
                        self.collected_attributes[key], QueryableAttribute

        if warn_for_non_dc_attrs:
            for (
            ) in warn_for_non_dc_attrs.items():
                    f"When transforming {self.cls} to a dataclass, "
                    f"attribute(s) "
                    f"{', '.join(repr(key) for key in non_dc_attrs)} "
                    f"originates from superclass "
                    f"{originating_class}, which is not a dataclass.  This "
                    f"usage is deprecated and will raise an error in "
                    f"SQLAlchemy 2.1.  When declaring SQLAlchemy Declarative "
                    f"Dataclasses, ensure that all mixin classes and other "
                    f"superclasses which include attributes are also a "
                    f"subclass of MappedAsDataclass.",

        annotations = {}
        defaults = {}
        for item in field_list:
            if len(item) == 2:
                name, tp = item  # type: ignore
            elif len(item) == 3:
                name, tp, spec = item  # type: ignore
                defaults[name] = spec
                assert False
            annotations[name] = tp

        for k, v in defaults.items():
            setattr(self.cls, k, v)

            dataclass_setup_arguments, self.cls, annotations

    def _update_annotations_for_non_mapped_class(
        cls, klass: Type[_O]
    ) -> Mapping[str, _AnnotationScanType]:
        cls_annotations = util.get_annotations(klass)

        new_anno = {}
        for name, annotation in cls_annotations.items():
            if _is_mapped_annotation(annotation, klass, klass):
                extracted = _extract_mapped_subtype(
                if extracted:
                    inner, _ = extracted
                    new_anno[name] = inner
                new_anno[name] = annotation
        return new_anno

    def _apply_dataclasses_to_any_class(
        dataclass_setup_arguments: _DataclassArguments,
        klass: Type[_O],
        use_annotations: Mapping[str, _AnnotationScanType],
    ) -> None:

        dataclass_callable = dataclass_setup_arguments["dataclass_callable"]
        if dataclass_callable is _NoArg.NO_ARG:
            dataclass_callable = dataclasses.dataclass

        restored: Optional[Any]

        if use_annotations:
            # apply constructed annotations that should look "normal" to a
            # dataclasses callable, based on the fields present.  This
            # means remove the Mapped[] container and ensure all Field
            # entries have an annotation
            restored = getattr(klass, "__annotations__", None)
            klass.__annotations__ = cast("Dict[str, Any]", use_annotations)
            restored = None

                    k: v
                    for k, v in dataclass_setup_arguments.items()
                    if v is not _NoArg.NO_ARG and k != "dataclass_callable"
        except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex:
            raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
                f"Python dataclasses error encountered when creating "
                f"dataclass for {klass.__name__!r}: "
                f"{ex!r}. Please refer to Python dataclasses "
                "documentation for additional information.",
            ) from ex
            # restore original annotations outside of the dataclasses
            # process; for mixins and __abstract__ superclasses, SQLAlchemy
            # Declarative will need to see the Mapped[] container inside the
            # annotations in order to map subclasses
            if use_annotations:
                if restored is None:
                    del klass.__annotations__
                    klass.__annotations__ = restored

    def _assert_dc_arguments(cls, arguments: _DataclassArguments) -> None:
        allowed = {
        disallowed_args = set(arguments).difference(allowed)
        if disallowed_args:
            msg = ", ".join(f"{arg!r}" for arg in sorted(disallowed_args))
            raise exc.ArgumentError(
                f"Dataclass argument(s) {msg} are not accepted"

    def _collect_annotation(
        name: str,
        raw_annotation: _AnnotationScanType,
        originating_class: Type[Any],
        expect_mapped: Optional[bool],
        attr_value: Any,
    ) -> Optional[_CollectedAnnotation]:
        if name in self.collected_annotations:
            return self.collected_annotations[name]

        if raw_annotation is None:
            return None

        is_dataclass = self.is_dataclass_prior_to_mapping
        allow_unmapped = self.allow_unmapped_annotations

        if expect_mapped is None:
            is_dataclass_field = isinstance(attr_value, dataclasses.Field)
            expect_mapped = (
                not is_dataclass_field
                and not allow_unmapped
                and (
                    attr_value is None
                    or isinstance(attr_value, _MappedAttribute)
            is_dataclass_field = False

        is_dataclass_field = False
        extracted = _extract_mapped_subtype(
            and not is_dataclass,  # self.allow_dataclass_fields,

        if extracted is None:
            # ClassVar can come out here
            return None

        extracted_mapped_annotation, mapped_container = extracted

        if attr_value is None and not is_literal(extracted_mapped_annotation):
            for elem in typing_get_args(extracted_mapped_annotation):
                if isinstance(elem, str) or is_fwd_ref(
                    elem, check_generic=True
                    elem = de_stringify_annotation(
                # look in Annotated[...] for an ORM construct,
                # such as Annotated[int, mapped_column(primary_key=True)]
                if isinstance(elem, _IntrospectsAnnotations):
                    attr_value = elem.found_in_pep593_annotated()

        self.collected_annotations[name] = ca = _CollectedAnnotation(
        return ca

    def _warn_for_decl_attributes(
        self, cls: Type[Any], key: str, c: Any
    ) -> None:
        if isinstance(c, expression.ColumnElement):
                f"Attribute '{key}' on class {cls} appears to "
                "be a non-schema SQLAlchemy expression "
                "object; this won't be part of the declarative mapping. "
                "To map arbitrary expressions, use ``column_property()`` "
                "or a similar function such as ``deferred()``, "
                "``query_expression()`` etc. "

    def _produce_column_copies(
        attributes_for_class: Callable[
            [], Iterable[Tuple[str, Any, Any, bool]]
        attribute_is_overridden: Callable[[str, Any], bool],
        fixed_table: bool,
        originating_class: Type[Any],
    ) -> Dict[str, Union[Column[Any], MappedColumn[Any]]]:
        cls = self.cls
        dict_ = self.clsdict_view
        locally_collected_attributes = {}
        column_copies = self.column_copies
        # copy mixin columns to the mapped class

        for name, obj, annotation, is_dataclass in attributes_for_class():
            if (
                not fixed_table
                and obj is None
                and _is_mapped_annotation(annotation, cls, originating_class)
                # obj is None means this is the annotation only path

                if attribute_is_overridden(name, obj):
                    # perform same "overridden" check as we do for
                    # Column/MappedColumn, this is how a mixin col is not
                    # applied to an inherited subclass that does not have
                    # the mixin.   the anno-only path added here for
                    # #9564

                collected_annotation = self._collect_annotation(
                    name, annotation, originating_class, True, obj
                obj = (
                    if collected_annotation is not None
                    else obj
                if obj is None:
                    obj = MappedColumn()

                locally_collected_attributes[name] = obj
                setattr(cls, name, obj)

            elif isinstance(obj, (Column, MappedColumn)):
                if attribute_is_overridden(name, obj):
                    # if column has been overridden
                    # (like by the InstrumentedAttribute of the
                    # superclass), skip.  don't collect the annotation
                    # either (issue #8718)

                collected_annotation = self._collect_annotation(
                    name, annotation, originating_class, True, obj
                obj = (
                    if collected_annotation is not None
                    else obj

                if name not in dict_ and not (
                    "__table__" in dict_
                    and (getattr(obj, "name", None) or name)
                    in dict_["__table__"].c
                    if obj.foreign_keys:
                        for fk in obj.foreign_keys:
                            if (
                                fk._table_column is not None
                                and fk._table_column.table is None
                                raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
                                    "Columns with foreign keys to "
                                    "non-table-bound "
                                    "columns must be declared as "
                                    "@declared_attr callables "
                                    "on declarative mixin classes.  "
                                    "For dataclass "
                                    "field() objects, use a lambda:."

                    column_copies[obj] = copy_ = obj._copy()

                    locally_collected_attributes[name] = copy_
                    setattr(cls, name, copy_)

        return locally_collected_attributes

    def _extract_mappable_attributes(self) -> None:
        cls = self.cls
        collected_attributes = self.collected_attributes

        our_stuff =

        _include_dunders = self._include_dunders

        late_mapped = _get_immediate_cls_attr(
            cls, "_sa_decl_prepare_nocascade", strict=True

        allow_unmapped_annotations = self.allow_unmapped_annotations
        expect_annotations_wo_mapped = (
            allow_unmapped_annotations or self.is_dataclass_prior_to_mapping

        look_for_dataclass_things = bool(self.dataclass_setup_arguments)

        for k in list(collected_attributes):
            if k in _include_dunders:

            value = collected_attributes[k]

            if _is_declarative_props(value):
                # @declared_attr in collected_attributes only occurs here for a
                # @declared_attr that's directly on the mapped class;
                # for a mixin, these have already been evaluated
                if value._cascading:
                        "Use of @declared_attr.cascading only applies to "
                        "Declarative 'mixin' and 'abstract' classes.  "
                        "Currently, this flag is ignored on mapped class "
                        "%s" % self.cls

                value = getattr(cls, k)

            elif (
                isinstance(value, QueryableAttribute)
                and value.class_ is not cls
                and value.key != k
                # detect a QueryableAttribute that's already mapped being
                # assigned elsewhere in userland, turn into a synonym()
                value = SynonymProperty(value.key)
                setattr(cls, k, value)

            if (
                isinstance(value, tuple)
                and len(value) == 1
                and isinstance(value[0], (Column, _MappedAttribute))
                    "Ignoring declarative-like tuple value of attribute "
                    "'%s': possibly a copy-and-paste error with a comma "
                    "accidentally placed at the end of the line?" % k
            elif look_for_dataclass_things and isinstance(
                value, dataclasses.Field
                # we collected a dataclass Field; dataclasses would have
                # set up the correct state on the class
            elif not isinstance(value, (Column, _DCAttributeOptions)):
                # using @declared_attr for some object that
                # isn't Column/MapperProperty/_DCAttributeOptions; remove
                # from the clsdict_view
                # and place the evaluated value onto the class.
                self._warn_for_decl_attributes(cls, k, value)
                if not late_mapped:
                    setattr(cls, k, value)
            # we expect to see the name 'metadata' in some valid cases;
            # however at this point we see it's assigned to something trying
            # to be mapped, so raise for that.
            # TODO: should "registry" here be also?   might be too late
            # to change that now (2.0 betas)
            elif k in ("metadata",):
                raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
                    f"Attribute name '{k}' is reserved when using the "
                    "Declarative API."
            elif isinstance(value, Column):
                    k, self.column_copies.get(value, value)  # type: ignore
                if isinstance(value, _IntrospectsAnnotations):
                    ) = self.collected_annotations.get(
                        k, (None, None, None, False, None, None, None)

                    # issue #8692 - don't do any annotation interpretation if
                    # an annotation were present and a container such as
                    # Mapped[] etc. were not used.  If annotation is None,
                    # do declarative_scan so that the property can raise
                    # for required
                    if (
                        mapped_container is not None
                        or annotation is None
                        # issue #10516: need to do declarative_scan even with
                        # a non-Mapped annotation if we are doing
                        # __allow_unmapped__, for things like
                        # assignment
                        or allow_unmapped_annotations
                        except NameError as ne:
                            raise exc.ArgumentError(
                                f"Could not resolve all types within mapped "
                                f'annotation: "{annotation}".  Ensure all '
                                f"types are written correctly and are "
                                f"imported within the module in use."
                            ) from ne
                        # assert that we were expecting annotations
                        # without Mapped[] were going to be passed.
                        # otherwise an error should have been raised
                        # by util._extract_mapped_subtype before we got here.
                        assert expect_annotations_wo_mapped

                if isinstance(value, _DCAttributeOptions):
                    if (
                        and not look_for_dataclass_things
                        if isinstance(value, MapperProperty):
                            argnames = [
                            argnames = ["init", "default_factory", "repr"]

                        args = {
                            for a in argnames
                            if getattr(
                                value._attribute_options, f"dataclasses_{a}"
                            is not _NoArg.NO_ARG

                        raise exc.ArgumentError(
                            f"Attribute '{k}' on class {cls} includes "
                            f"dataclasses argument(s): "
                            f"{', '.join(sorted(repr(a) for a in args))} but "
                            f"class does not specify "
                            "SQLAlchemy native dataclass configuration."

                    if not isinstance(value, (MapperProperty, _MapsColumns)):
                        # filter for _DCAttributeOptions objects that aren't
                        # MapperProperty / mapped_column().  Currently this
                        # includes AssociationProxy.   pop it from the things
                        # we're going to map and set it up as a descriptor
                        # on the class.

                        # Assoc Prox (or other descriptor object that may
                        # use _DCAttributeOptions) is usually here, except if
                        # 1. we're a
                        # dataclass, dataclasses would have removed the
                        # attr here or 2. assoc proxy is coming from a
                        # superclass, we want it to be direct here so it
                        # tracks state or 3. assoc prox comes from
                        # declared_attr, uncommon case
                        setattr(cls, k, value)

            our_stuff[k] = value

    def _extract_declared_columns(self) -> None:
        our_stuff =

        # extract columns from the class dict
        declared_columns = self.declared_columns
        column_ordering = self.column_ordering
        name_to_prop_key = collections.defaultdict(set)

        for key, c in list(our_stuff.items()):
            if isinstance(c, _MapsColumns):
                mp_to_assign = c.mapper_property_to_assign
                if mp_to_assign:
                    our_stuff[key] = mp_to_assign
                    # if no mapper property to assign, this currently means
                    # this is a MappedColumn that will produce a Column for us
                    del our_stuff[key]

                for col, sort_order in c.columns_to_assign:
                    if not isinstance(c, CompositeProperty):

                    # we would assert this, however we want the below
                    # warning to take effect instead.  See #9630
                    # assert col not in column_ordering

                    column_ordering[col] = sort_order

                    # if this is a MappedColumn and the attribute key we
                    # have is not what the column has for its key, map the
                    # Column explicitly under the attribute key name.
                    # otherwise, Mapper will map it under the column key.
                    if mp_to_assign is None and key != col.key:
                        our_stuff[key] = col
            elif isinstance(c, Column):
                # undefer previously occurred here, and now occurs earlier.
                # ensure every column we get here has been named
                assert is not None
                # if the column is the same name as the key,
                # remove it from the explicit properties dict.
                # the normal rules for assigning column-based properties
                # will take over, including precedence of columns
                # in multi-column ColumnProperties.
                if key == c.key:
                    del our_stuff[key]

        for name, keys in name_to_prop_key.items():
            if len(keys) > 1:
                    "On class %r, Column object %r named "
                    "directly multiple times, "
                    "only one will be used: %s. "
                    "Consider using orm.synonym instead"
                    % (self.classname, name, (", ".join(sorted(keys))))

    def _setup_table(self, table: Optional[FromClause] = None) -> None:
        cls = self.cls
        cls_as_Decl = cast("MappedClassProtocol[Any]", cls)

        tablename = self.tablename
        table_args = self.table_args
        clsdict_view = self.clsdict_view
        declared_columns = self.declared_columns
        column_ordering = self.column_ordering

        manager = attributes.manager_of_class(cls)

        if "__table__" not in clsdict_view and table is None:
            if hasattr(cls, "__table_cls__"):
                table_cls = cast(
                    util.unbound_method_to_callable(cls.__table_cls__),  # type: ignore  # noqa: E501
                table_cls = Table

            if tablename is not None:
                args: Tuple[Any, ...] = ()
                table_kw: Dict[str, Any] = {}

                if table_args:
                    if isinstance(table_args, dict):
                        table_kw = table_args
                    elif isinstance(table_args, tuple):
                        if isinstance(table_args[-1], dict):
                            args, table_kw = table_args[0:-1], table_args[-1]
                            args = table_args

                autoload_with = clsdict_view.get("__autoload_with__")
                if autoload_with:
                    table_kw["autoload_with"] = autoload_with

                autoload = clsdict_view.get("__autoload__")
                if autoload:
                    table_kw["autoload"] = True

                sorted_columns = sorted(
                    key=lambda c: column_ordering.get(c, 0),
                table = self.set_cls_attribute(
            if table is None:
                table = cls_as_Decl.__table__
            if declared_columns:
                for c in declared_columns:
                    if not table.c.contains_column(c):
                        raise exc.ArgumentError(
                            "Can't add additional column %r when "
                            "specifying __table__" % c.key

        self.local_table = table

    def _metadata_for_cls(self, manager: ClassManager[Any]) -> MetaData:
        meta: Optional[MetaData] = getattr(self.cls, "metadata", None)
        if meta is not None:
            return meta
            return manager.registry.metadata

    def _setup_inheriting_mapper(self, mapper_kw: _MapperKwArgs) -> None:
        cls = self.cls

        inherits = mapper_kw.get("inherits", None)

        if inherits is None:
            # since we search for classical mappings now, search for
            # multiple mapped bases as well and raise an error.
            inherits_search = []
            for base_ in cls.__bases__:
                c = _resolve_for_abstract_or_classical(base_)
                if c is None:

                if _is_supercls_for_inherits(c) and c not in inherits_search:

            if inherits_search:
                if len(inherits_search) > 1:
                    raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
                        "Class %s has multiple mapped bases: %r"
                        % (cls, inherits_search)
                inherits = inherits_search[0]
        elif isinstance(inherits, Mapper):
            inherits = inherits.class_

        self.inherits = inherits

        clsdict_view = self.clsdict_view
        if "__table__" not in clsdict_view and self.tablename is None:
            self.single = True

    def _setup_inheriting_columns(self, mapper_kw: _MapperKwArgs) -> None:
        table = self.local_table
        cls = self.cls
        table_args = self.table_args
        declared_columns = self.declared_columns

        if (
            table is None
            and self.inherits is None
            and not _get_immediate_cls_attr(cls, "__no_table__")
            raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
                "Class %r does not have a __table__ or __tablename__ "
                "specified and does not inherit from an existing "
                "table-mapped class." % cls
        elif self.inherits:
            inherited_mapper_or_config = _declared_mapping_info(self.inherits)
            assert inherited_mapper_or_config is not None
            inherited_table = inherited_mapper_or_config.local_table
            inherited_persist_selectable = (

            if table is None:
                # single table inheritance.
                # ensure no table args
                if table_args:
                    raise exc.ArgumentError(
                        "Can't place __table_args__ on an inherited class "
                        "with no table."

                # add any columns declared here to the inherited table.
                if declared_columns and not isinstance(inherited_table, Table):
                    raise exc.ArgumentError(
                        f"Can't declare columns on single-table-inherited "
                        f"subclass {self.cls}; superclass {self.inherits} "
                        "is not mapped to a Table"

                for col in declared_columns:
                    assert inherited_table is not None
                    if in inherited_table.c:
                        if inherited_table.c[] is col:
                        raise exc.ArgumentError(
                            f"Column '{col}' on class {cls.__name__} "
                            f"conflicts with existing column "
                            f"'{inherited_table.c[]}'.  If using "
                            f"Declarative, consider using the "
                            "use_existing_column parameter of mapped_column() "
                            "to resolve conflicts."
                    if col.primary_key:
                        raise exc.ArgumentError(
                            "Can't place primary key columns on an inherited "
                            "class with no table."

                    if TYPE_CHECKING:
                        assert isinstance(inherited_table, Table)

                    if (
                        inherited_persist_selectable is not None
                        and inherited_persist_selectable is not inherited_table

    def _prepare_mapper_arguments(self, mapper_kw: _MapperKwArgs) -> None:
        properties =

        if self.mapper_args_fn:
            mapper_args = self.mapper_args_fn()
            mapper_args = {}

        if mapper_kw:

        if "properties" in mapper_args:
            properties = dict(properties)

        # make sure that column copies are used rather
        # than the original columns from any mixins
        for k in ("version_id_col", "polymorphic_on"):
            if k in mapper_args:
                v = mapper_args[k]
                mapper_args[k] = self.column_copies.get(v, v)

        if "primary_key" in mapper_args:
            mapper_args["primary_key"] = [
                self.column_copies.get(v, v)
                for v in util.to_list(mapper_args["primary_key"])

        if "inherits" in mapper_args:
            inherits_arg = mapper_args["inherits"]
            if isinstance(inherits_arg, Mapper):
                inherits_arg = inherits_arg.class_

            if inherits_arg is not self.inherits:
                raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
                    "mapper inherits argument given for non-inheriting "
                    "class %s" % (mapper_args["inherits"])

        if self.inherits:
            mapper_args["inherits"] = self.inherits

        if self.inherits and not mapper_args.get("concrete", False):
            # note the superclass is expected to have a Mapper assigned and
            # not be a deferred config, as this is called within map()
            inherited_mapper = class_mapper(self.inherits, False)
            inherited_table = inherited_mapper.local_table

            # single or joined inheritance
            # exclude any cols on the inherited table which are
            # not mapped on the parent class, to avoid
            # mapping columns specific to sibling/nephew classes
            if "exclude_properties" not in mapper_args:
                mapper_args["exclude_properties"] = exclude_properties = {
                    for c in inherited_table.c
                    if c not in inherited_mapper._columntoproperty
                }.union(inherited_mapper.exclude_properties or ())
                    [c.key for c in self.declared_columns]

            # look through columns in the current mapper that
            # are keyed to a propname different than the colname
            # (if names were the same, we'd have popped it out above,
            # in which case the mapper makes this combination).
            # See if the superclass has a similar column property.
            # If so, join them together.
            for k, col in list(properties.items()):
                if not isinstance(col, expression.ColumnElement):
                if k in inherited_mapper._props:
                    p = inherited_mapper._props[k]
                    if isinstance(p, ColumnProperty):
                        # note here we place the subclass column
                        # first.  See [ticket:1892] for background.
                        properties[k] = [col] + p.columns
        result_mapper_args = mapper_args.copy()
        result_mapper_args["properties"] = properties
        self.mapper_args = result_mapper_args

    def map(self, mapper_kw: _MapperKwArgs = util.EMPTY_DICT) -> Mapper[Any]:
        if hasattr(self.cls, "__mapper_cls__"):
            mapper_cls = cast(
                    self.cls.__mapper_cls__  # type: ignore
            mapper_cls = Mapper

        return self.set_cls_attribute(
            mapper_cls(self.cls, self.local_table, **self.mapper_args),

def _as_dc_declaredattr(
    field_metadata: Mapping[str, Any], sa_dataclass_metadata_key: str
) -> Any:
    # wrap lambdas inside dataclass fields inside an ad-hoc declared_attr.
    # we can't write it because field.metadata is immutable :( so we have
    # to go through extra trouble to compare these
    decl_api = util.preloaded.orm_decl_api
    obj = field_metadata[sa_dataclass_metadata_key]
    if callable(obj) and not isinstance(obj, decl_api.declared_attr):
        return decl_api.declared_attr(obj)
        return obj

class _DeferredMapperConfig(_ClassScanMapperConfig):
    _cls: weakref.ref[Type[Any]]

    is_deferred = True

    _configs: util.OrderedDict[
        weakref.ref[Type[Any]], _DeferredMapperConfig
    ] = util.OrderedDict()

    def _early_mapping(self, mapper_kw: _MapperKwArgs) -> None:

    # mypy disallows plain property override of variable
    @property  # type: ignore
    def cls(self) -> Type[Any]:
        return self._cls()  # type: ignore

    def cls(self, class_: Type[Any]) -> None:
        self._cls = weakref.ref(class_, self._remove_config_cls)
        self._configs[self._cls] = self

    def _remove_config_cls(cls, ref: weakref.ref[Type[Any]]) -> None:
        cls._configs.pop(ref, None)

    def has_cls(cls, class_: Type[Any]) -> bool:
        # 2.6 fails on weakref if class_ is an old style class
        return isinstance(class_, type) and weakref.ref(class_) in cls._configs

    def raise_unmapped_for_cls(cls, class_: Type[Any]) -> NoReturn:
        if hasattr(class_, "_sa_raise_deferred_config"):

        raise orm_exc.UnmappedClassError(
                f"Class {orm_exc._safe_cls_name(class_)} has a deferred "
                "mapping on it.  It is not yet usable as a mapped class."

    def config_for_cls(cls, class_: Type[Any]) -> _DeferredMapperConfig:
        return cls._configs[weakref.ref(class_)]

    def classes_for_base(
        cls, base_cls: Type[Any], sort: bool = True
    ) -> List[_DeferredMapperConfig]:
        classes_for_base = [
            for m, cls_ in [(m, m.cls) for m in cls._configs.values()]
            if cls_ is not None and issubclass(cls_, base_cls)

        if not sort:
            return classes_for_base

        all_m_by_cls = {m.cls: m for m in classes_for_base}

        tuples: List[Tuple[_DeferredMapperConfig, _DeferredMapperConfig]] = []
        for m_cls in all_m_by_cls:
                (all_m_by_cls[base_cls], all_m_by_cls[m_cls])
                for base_cls in m_cls.__bases__
                if base_cls in all_m_by_cls
        return list(topological.sort(tuples, classes_for_base))

    def map(self, mapper_kw: _MapperKwArgs = util.EMPTY_DICT) -> Mapper[Any]:
        self._configs.pop(self._cls, None)
        return super().map(mapper_kw)

def _add_attribute(
    cls: Type[Any], key: str, value: MapperProperty[Any]
) -> None:
    """add an attribute to an existing declarative class.

    This runs through the logic to determine MapperProperty,
    adds it to the Mapper, adds a column to the mapped Table, etc.


    if "__mapper__" in cls.__dict__:
        mapped_cls = cast("MappedClassProtocol[Any]", cls)

        def _table_or_raise(mc: MappedClassProtocol[Any]) -> Table:
            if isinstance(mc.__table__, Table):
                return mc.__table__
            raise exc.InvalidRequestError(
                f"Cannot add a new attribute to mapped class {mc.__name__!r} "
                "because it's not mapped against a table."

        if isinstance(value, Column):
            _undefer_column_name(key, value)
                value, replace_existing=True
            mapped_cls.__mapper__.add_property(key, value)
        elif isinstance(value, _MapsColumns):
            mp = value.mapper_property_to_assign
            for col, _ in value.columns_to_assign:
                _undefer_column_name(key, col)
                    col, replace_existing=True
                if not mp:
                    mapped_cls.__mapper__.add_property(key, col)
            if mp:
                mapped_cls.__mapper__.add_property(key, mp)
        elif isinstance(value, MapperProperty):
            mapped_cls.__mapper__.add_property(key, value)
        elif isinstance(value, QueryableAttribute) and value.key != key:
            # detect a QueryableAttribute that's already mapped being
            # assigned elsewhere in userland, turn into a synonym()
            value = SynonymProperty(value.key)
            mapped_cls.__mapper__.add_property(key, value)
            type.__setattr__(cls, key, value)
        type.__setattr__(cls, key, value)

def _del_attribute(cls: Type[Any], key: str) -> None:
    if (
        "__mapper__" in cls.__dict__
        and key in cls.__dict__
        and not cast(
            "MappedClassProtocol[Any]", cls
        value = cls.__dict__[key]
        if isinstance(
            value, (Column, _MapsColumns, MapperProperty, QueryableAttribute)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Can't un-map individual mapped attributes on a mapped class."
            type.__delattr__(cls, key)
                "MappedClassProtocol[Any]", cls
        type.__delattr__(cls, key)

def _declarative_constructor(self: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    """A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

    Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and
    values in ``kwargs``.

    Only keys that are present as
    attributes of the instance's class are allowed. These could be,
    for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
    cls_ = type(self)
    for k in kwargs:
        if not hasattr(cls_, k):
            raise TypeError(
                "%r is an invalid keyword argument for %s" % (k, cls_.__name__)
        setattr(self, k, kwargs[k])

_declarative_constructor.__name__ = "__init__"

def _undefer_column_name(key: str, column: Column[Any]) -> None:
    if column.key is None:
        column.key = key
    if is None: = key