Source code for langchain_experimental.llms.anthropic_functions

import json
from collections import defaultdict
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from typing import Any, DefaultDict, Dict, List, Optional, cast

from langchain.callbacks.manager import (
from langchain.chat_models.anthropic import ChatAnthropic
from langchain.chat_models.base import BaseChatModel
from langchain.schema import (
from langchain.schema.messages import (

from langchain_experimental.pydantic_v1 import root_validator

prompt = """In addition to responding, you can use tools. \
You have access to the following tools.


In order to use a tool, you can use <tool></tool> to specify the name, \
and the <tool_input></tool_input> tags to specify the parameters. \
Each parameter should be passed in as <$param_name>$value</$param_name>, \
Where $param_name is the name of the specific parameter, and $value \
is the value for that parameter.

You will then get back a response in the form <observation></observation>
For example, if you have a tool called 'search' that accepts a single \
parameter 'query' that could run a google search, in order to search \
for the weather in SF you would respond:

<tool>search</tool><tool_input><query>weather in SF</query></tool_input>
<observation>64 degrees</observation>"""

[docs]class TagParser(HTMLParser):
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: """A heavy-handed solution, but it's fast for prototyping. Might be re-implemented later to restrict scope to the limited grammar, and more efficiency. Uses an HTML parser to parse a limited grammar that allows for syntax of the form: INPUT -> JUNK? VALUE* JUNK -> JUNK_CHARACTER+ JUNK_CHARACTER -> whitespace | , VALUE -> <IDENTIFIER>DATA</IDENTIFIER> | OBJECT OBJECT -> <IDENTIFIER>VALUE+</IDENTIFIER> IDENTIFIER -> [a-Z][a-Z0-9_]* DATA -> .* Interprets the data to allow repetition of tags and recursion to support representation of complex types. ^ Just another approximately wrong grammar specification. """ super().__init__() self.parse_data: DefaultDict[str, List[Any]] = defaultdict(list) self.stack: List[DefaultDict[str, List[str]]] = [self.parse_data] self.success = True self.depth = 0 Optional[str] = None
[docs] def handle_starttag(self, tag: str, attrs: Any) -> None: """Hook when a new tag is encountered.""" self.depth += 1 self.stack.append(defaultdict(list)) = None
[docs] def handle_endtag(self, tag: str) -> None: """Hook when a tag is closed.""" self.depth -= 1 top_of_stack = dict(self.stack.pop(-1)) # Pop the dictionary we don't need it # If a lead node is_leaf = is not None # Annoying to type here, code is tested, hopefully OK value = if is_leaf else top_of_stack # Difficult to type this correctly with mypy (maybe impossible?) # Can be nested indefinitely, so requires self referencing type self.stack[-1][tag].append(value) # type: ignore # Reset the data so we if we encounter a sequence of end tags, we # don't confuse an outer end tag for belonging to a leaf node. = None
[docs] def handle_data(self, data: str) -> None: """Hook when handling data.""" stripped_data = data.strip() # The only data that's allowed is whitespace or a comma surrounded by whitespace if self.depth == 0 and stripped_data not in (",", ""): # If this is triggered the parse should be considered invalid. self.success = False if stripped_data: # ignore whitespace-only strings = stripped_data
def _destrip(tool_input: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(tool_input, dict): return {k: _destrip(v) for k, v in tool_input.items()} elif isinstance(tool_input, list): if isinstance(tool_input[0], str): if len(tool_input) == 1: return tool_input[0] else: raise ValueError elif isinstance(tool_input[0], dict): return [_destrip(v) for v in tool_input] else: raise ValueError else: raise ValueError
[docs]class AnthropicFunctions(BaseChatModel): llm: BaseChatModel @root_validator(pre=True) def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Dict: values["llm"] = values.get("llm") or ChatAnthropic(**values) return values @property def model(self) -> BaseChatModel: """For backwards compatibility.""" return self.llm def _generate( self, messages: List[BaseMessage], stop: Optional[List[str]] = None, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ChatResult: forced = False function_call = "" if "functions" in kwargs: # get the function call method if "function_call" in kwargs: function_call = kwargs["function_call"] del kwargs["function_call"] else: function_call = "auto" # should function calling be used if function_call != "none": content = prompt.format(tools=json.dumps(kwargs["functions"], indent=2)) system = SystemMessage(content=content) messages = [system] + messages # is the function call a dictionary (forced function calling) if isinstance(function_call, dict): forced = True function_call_name = function_call["name"] messages.append(AIMessage(content=f"<tool>{function_call_name}</tool>")) del kwargs["functions"] if stop is None: stop = ["</tool_input>"] else: stop.append("</tool_input>") else: if "function_call" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "if `function_call` provided, `functions` must also be" ) response = self.model.predict_messages( messages, stop=stop, callbacks=run_manager, **kwargs ) completion = cast(str, response.content) if forced: tag_parser = TagParser() if "<tool_input>" in completion: tag_parser.feed(completion.strip() + "</tool_input>") v1 = tag_parser.parse_data["tool_input"][0] arguments = json.dumps(_destrip(v1)) else: v1 = completion arguments = "" kwargs = { "function_call": { "name": function_call_name, "arguments": arguments, } } message = AIMessage(content="", additional_kwargs=kwargs) return ChatResult(generations=[ChatGeneration(message=message)]) elif "<tool>" in completion: tag_parser = TagParser() tag_parser.feed(completion.strip() + "</tool_input>") msg = completion.split("<tool>")[0].strip() v1 = tag_parser.parse_data["tool_input"][0] kwargs = { "function_call": { "name": tag_parser.parse_data["tool"][0], "arguments": json.dumps(_destrip(v1)), } } message = AIMessage(content=msg, additional_kwargs=kwargs) return ChatResult(generations=[ChatGeneration(message=message)]) else: response.content = cast(str, response.content).strip() return ChatResult(generations=[ChatGeneration(message=response)]) @property def _llm_type(self) -> str: return "anthropic_functions"