Source code for langchain_experimental.llm_bash.bash

"""Wrapper around subprocess to run commands."""
from __future__ import annotations

import platform
import re
import subprocess
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Union
from uuid import uuid4

    import pexpect

[docs]class BashProcess: """ Wrapper class for starting subprocesses. Uses the python built-in Persistent processes are **not** available on Windows systems, as pexpect makes use of Unix pseudoterminals (ptys). MacOS and Linux are okay. Example: .. code-block:: python from langchain.utilities.bash import BashProcess bash = BashProcess( strip_newlines = False, return_err_output = False, persistent = False )'echo \'hello world\'') """ strip_newlines: bool = False """Whether or not to run .strip() on the output""" return_err_output: bool = False """Whether or not to return the output of a failed command, or just the error message and stacktrace""" persistent: bool = False """Whether or not to spawn a persistent session NOTE: Unavailable for Windows environments"""
[docs] def __init__( self, strip_newlines: bool = False, return_err_output: bool = False, persistent: bool = False, ): """ Initializes with default settings """ self.strip_newlines = strip_newlines self.return_err_output = return_err_output self.prompt = "" self.process = None if persistent: self.prompt = str(uuid4()) self.process = self._initialize_persistent_process(self, self.prompt)
@staticmethod def _lazy_import_pexpect() -> pexpect: """Import pexpect only when needed.""" if platform.system() == "Windows": raise ValueError( "Persistent bash processes are not yet supported on Windows." ) try: import pexpect except ImportError: raise ImportError( "pexpect required for persistent bash processes." " To install, run `pip install pexpect`." ) return pexpect @staticmethod def _initialize_persistent_process(self: BashProcess, prompt: str) -> pexpect.spawn: # Start bash in a clean environment # Doesn't work on windows """ Initializes a persistent bash setting in a clean environment. NOTE: Unavailable on Windows Args: Prompt(str): the bash command to execute """ # noqa: E501 pexpect = self._lazy_import_pexpect() process = pexpect.spawn( "env", ["-i", "bash", "--norc", "--noprofile"], encoding="utf-8" ) # Set the custom prompt process.sendline("PS1=" + prompt) process.expect_exact(prompt, timeout=10) return process
[docs] def run(self, commands: Union[str, List[str]]) -> str: """ Run commands in either an existing persistent subprocess or on in a new subprocess environment. Args: commands(List[str]): a list of commands to execute in the session """ # noqa: E501 if isinstance(commands, str): commands = [commands] commands = ";".join(commands) if self.process is not None: return self._run_persistent( commands, ) else: return self._run(commands)
def _run(self, command: str) -> str: """ Runs a command in a subprocess and returns the output. Args: command: The command to run """ # noqa: E501 try: output = command, shell=True, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ).stdout.decode() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: if self.return_err_output: return error.stdout.decode() return str(error) if self.strip_newlines: output = output.strip() return output
[docs] def process_output(self, output: str, command: str) -> str: """ Uses regex to remove the command from the output Args: output: a process' output string command: the executed command """ # noqa: E501 pattern = re.escape(command) + r"\s*\n" output = re.sub(pattern, "", output, count=1) return output.strip()
def _run_persistent(self, command: str) -> str: """ Runs commands in a persistent environment and returns the output. Args: command: the command to execute """ # noqa: E501 pexpect = self._lazy_import_pexpect() if self.process is None: raise ValueError("Process not initialized") self.process.sendline(command) # Clear the output with an empty string self.process.expect(self.prompt, timeout=10) self.process.sendline("") try: self.process.expect([self.prompt, pexpect.EOF], timeout=10) except pexpect.TIMEOUT: return f"Timeout error while executing command {command}" if self.process.after == pexpect.EOF: return f"Exited with error status: {self.process.exitstatus}" output = self.process.before output = self.process_output(output, command) if self.strip_newlines: return output.strip() return output