Source code for langchain.retrievers.ensemble

Ensemble retriever that ensemble the results of 
multiple retrievers by using weighted  Reciprocal Rank Fusion
from typing import Any, Dict, List

from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import root_validator
from langchain_core.retrievers import BaseRetriever

from langchain.callbacks.manager import (

[docs]class EnsembleRetriever(BaseRetriever): """Retriever that ensembles the multiple retrievers. It uses a rank fusion. Args: retrievers: A list of retrievers to ensemble. weights: A list of weights corresponding to the retrievers. Defaults to equal weighting for all retrievers. c: A constant added to the rank, controlling the balance between the importance of high-ranked items and the consideration given to lower-ranked items. Default is 60. """ retrievers: List[BaseRetriever] weights: List[float] c: int = 60 @root_validator(pre=True) def set_weights(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: if not values.get("weights"): n_retrievers = len(values["retrievers"]) values["weights"] = [1 / n_retrievers] * n_retrievers return values def _get_relevant_documents( self, query: str, *, run_manager: CallbackManagerForRetrieverRun, ) -> List[Document]: """ Get the relevant documents for a given query. Args: query: The query to search for. Returns: A list of reranked documents. """ # Get fused result of the retrievers. fused_documents = self.rank_fusion(query, run_manager) return fused_documents async def _aget_relevant_documents( self, query: str, *, run_manager: AsyncCallbackManagerForRetrieverRun, ) -> List[Document]: """ Asynchronously get the relevant documents for a given query. Args: query: The query to search for. Returns: A list of reranked documents. """ # Get fused result of the retrievers. fused_documents = await self.arank_fusion(query, run_manager) return fused_documents
[docs] def rank_fusion( self, query: str, run_manager: CallbackManagerForRetrieverRun ) -> List[Document]: """ Retrieve the results of the retrievers and use rank_fusion_func to get the final result. Args: query: The query to search for. Returns: A list of reranked documents. """ # Get the results of all retrievers. retriever_docs = [ retriever.get_relevant_documents( query, callbacks=run_manager.get_child(tag=f"retriever_{i+1}") ) for i, retriever in enumerate(self.retrievers) ] # apply rank fusion fused_documents = self.weighted_reciprocal_rank(retriever_docs) return fused_documents
[docs] async def arank_fusion( self, query: str, run_manager: AsyncCallbackManagerForRetrieverRun ) -> List[Document]: """ Asynchronously retrieve the results of the retrievers and use rank_fusion_func to get the final result. Args: query: The query to search for. Returns: A list of reranked documents. """ # Get the results of all retrievers. retriever_docs = [ await retriever.aget_relevant_documents( query, callbacks=run_manager.get_child(tag=f"retriever_{i+1}") ) for i, retriever in enumerate(self.retrievers) ] # apply rank fusion fused_documents = self.weighted_reciprocal_rank(retriever_docs) return fused_documents
[docs] def weighted_reciprocal_rank( self, doc_lists: List[List[Document]] ) -> List[Document]: """ Perform weighted Reciprocal Rank Fusion on multiple rank lists. You can find more details about RRF here: Args: doc_lists: A list of rank lists, where each rank list contains unique items. Returns: list: The final aggregated list of items sorted by their weighted RRF scores in descending order. """ if len(doc_lists) != len(self.weights): raise ValueError( "Number of rank lists must be equal to the number of weights." ) # Create a union of all unique documents in the input doc_lists all_documents = set() for doc_list in doc_lists: for doc in doc_list: all_documents.add(doc.page_content) # Initialize the RRF score dictionary for each document rrf_score_dic = {doc: 0.0 for doc in all_documents} # Calculate RRF scores for each document for doc_list, weight in zip(doc_lists, self.weights): for rank, doc in enumerate(doc_list, start=1): rrf_score = weight * (1 / (rank + self.c)) rrf_score_dic[doc.page_content] += rrf_score # Sort documents by their RRF scores in descending order sorted_documents = sorted( rrf_score_dic.keys(), key=lambda x: rrf_score_dic[x], reverse=True ) # Map the sorted page_content back to the original document objects page_content_to_doc_map = { doc.page_content: doc for doc_list in doc_lists for doc in doc_list } sorted_docs = [ page_content_to_doc_map[page_content] for page_content in sorted_documents ] return sorted_docs