
class langchain_community.chat_message_histories.cosmos_db.CosmosDBChatMessageHistory(cosmos_endpoint: str, cosmos_database: str, cosmos_container: str, session_id: str, user_id: str, credential: Any = None, connection_string: Optional[str] = None, ttl: Optional[int] = None, cosmos_client_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None)[source]¶

Chat message history backed by Azure CosmosDB.

Initializes a new instance of the CosmosDBChatMessageHistory class.

Make sure to call prepare_cosmos or use the context manager to make sure your database is ready.

Either a credential or a connection string must be provided.

  • cosmos_endpoint (str) – The connection endpoint for the Azure Cosmos DB account.

  • cosmos_database (str) – The name of the database to use.

  • cosmos_container (str) – The name of the container to use.

  • session_id (str) – The session ID to use, can be overwritten while loading.

  • user_id (str) – The user ID to use, can be overwritten while loading.

  • credential (Any) – The credential to use to authenticate to Azure Cosmos DB.

  • connection_string (Optional[str]) – The connection string to use to authenticate.

  • ttl (Optional[int]) – The time to live (in seconds) to use for documents in the container.

  • cosmos_client_kwargs (Optional[dict]) – Additional kwargs to pass to the CosmosClient.



A property or attribute that returns a list of messages.


__init__(cosmos_endpoint, cosmos_database, ...)

Initializes a new instance of the CosmosDBChatMessageHistory class.


Add a list of messages.


Remove all messages from the store


Convenience method for adding an AI message string to the store.


Add a self-created message to the store


Add a list of messages.


Convenience method for adding a human message string to the store.


Async version of getting messages.


Clear session memory from this memory and cosmos.


Retrieve the messages from Cosmos


Prepare the CosmosDB client.


Update the cosmosdb item.

__init__(cosmos_endpoint: str, cosmos_database: str, cosmos_container: str, session_id: str, user_id: str, credential: Any = None, connection_string: Optional[str] = None, ttl: Optional[int] = None, cosmos_client_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None)[source]¶

Initializes a new instance of the CosmosDBChatMessageHistory class.

Make sure to call prepare_cosmos or use the context manager to make sure your database is ready.

Either a credential or a connection string must be provided.

  • cosmos_endpoint (str) – The connection endpoint for the Azure Cosmos DB account.

  • cosmos_database (str) – The name of the database to use.

  • cosmos_container (str) – The name of the container to use.

  • session_id (str) – The session ID to use, can be overwritten while loading.

  • user_id (str) – The user ID to use, can be overwritten while loading.

  • credential (Any) – The credential to use to authenticate to Azure Cosmos DB.

  • connection_string (Optional[str]) – The connection string to use to authenticate.

  • ttl (Optional[int]) – The time to live (in seconds) to use for documents in the container.

  • cosmos_client_kwargs (Optional[dict]) – Additional kwargs to pass to the CosmosClient.

async aadd_messages(messages: Sequence[BaseMessage]) None¶

Add a list of messages.


messages (Sequence[BaseMessage]) – A list of BaseMessage objects to store.

Return type


async aclear() None¶

Remove all messages from the store

Return type


add_ai_message(message: Union[AIMessage, str]) None¶

Convenience method for adding an AI message string to the store.

Please note that this is a convenience method. Code should favor the bulk add_messages interface instead to save on round-trips to the underlying persistence layer.

This method may be deprecated in a future release.


message (Union[AIMessage, str]) – The AI message to add.

Return type


add_message(message: BaseMessage) None[source]¶

Add a self-created message to the store


message (BaseMessage) –

Return type


add_messages(messages: Sequence[BaseMessage]) None¶

Add a list of messages.

Implementations should over-ride this method to handle bulk addition of messages in an efficient manner to avoid unnecessary round-trips to the underlying store.


messages (Sequence[BaseMessage]) – A list of BaseMessage objects to store.

Return type


add_user_message(message: Union[HumanMessage, str]) None¶

Convenience method for adding a human message string to the store.

Please note that this is a convenience method. Code should favor the bulk add_messages interface instead to save on round-trips to the underlying persistence layer.

This method may be deprecated in a future release.


message (Union[HumanMessage, str]) – The human message to add

Return type


async aget_messages() List[BaseMessage]¶

Async version of getting messages.

Can over-ride this method to provide an efficient async implementation.

In general, fetching messages may involve IO to the underlying persistence layer.

Return type


clear() None[source]¶

Clear session memory from this memory and cosmos.

Return type


load_messages() None[source]¶

Retrieve the messages from Cosmos

Return type


prepare_cosmos() None[source]¶

Prepare the CosmosDB client.

Use this function or the context manager to make sure your database is ready.

Return type


upsert_messages() None[source]¶

Update the cosmosdb item.

Return type
