Source code for

"""Tool for the Arxiv API."""

from typing import Optional, Type

from langchain_core.callbacks import CallbackManagerForToolRun
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field
from import BaseTool

from langchain_community.utilities.arxiv import ArxivAPIWrapper

[docs]class ArxivInput(BaseModel): """Input for the Arxiv tool.""" query: str = Field(description="search query to look up")
[docs]class ArxivQueryRun(BaseTool): """Tool that searches the Arxiv API.""" name: str = "arxiv" description: str = ( "A wrapper around " "Useful for when you need to answer questions about Physics, Mathematics, " "Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance, Statistics, " "Electrical Engineering, and Economics " "from scientific articles on " "Input should be a search query." ) api_wrapper: ArxivAPIWrapper = Field(default_factory=ArxivAPIWrapper) args_schema: Type[BaseModel] = ArxivInput def _run( self, query: str, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForToolRun] = None, ) -> str: """Use the Arxiv tool.""" return