Source code for langchain_community.graphs.neptune_rdf_graph

import json
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence

import requests

 ?instance a ?elem .
 OPTIONAL { ?instance rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* ?elem } .
 #FILTER (isIRI(?elem)) .
 OPTIONAL { ?elem rdfs:comment ?com filter (lang(?com) = "en")}

 ?subj ?elem ?obj . 
     ?elem rdf:type/rdfs:subPropertyOf* ?proptype .
     VALUES  ?proptype  { rdf:Property owl:DatatypeProperty owl:ObjectProperty } .
 } . 
 OPTIONAL { ?elem rdfs:comment ?com filter (lang(?com) = "en")} 

 ?subj ?elem ?obj . 
     ?elem rdf:type/rdfs:subPropertyOf* ?proptype .
     ?proptype  a owl:DatatypeProperty .
 } . 
 OPTIONAL { ?elem rdfs:comment ?com filter (lang(?com) = "en")} 

 ?subj ?elem ?obj . 
     ?elem rdf:type/rdfs:subPropertyOf* ?proptype .
     ?proptype  a owl:ObjectProperty .
 } . 
 OPTIONAL { ?elem rdfs:comment ?com filter (lang(?com) = "en")} 

    "classes": CLASS_QUERY,
    "rels": REL_QUERY,
    "dtprops": DTPROP_QUERY,
    "oprops": OPROP_QUERY,

[docs]class NeptuneRdfGraph: """Neptune wrapper for RDF graph operations. Args: host: SPARQL endpoint host for Neptune port: SPARQL endpoint port for Neptune. Defaults 8182. use_iam_auth: boolean indicating IAM auth is enabled in Neptune cluster region_name: AWS region required if use_iam_auth is True, e.g., us-west-2 hide_comments: whether to include ontology comments in schema for prompt Example: .. code-block:: python graph = NeptuneRdfGraph( host='<SPARQL host'>, port=<SPARQL port>, use_iam_auth=False ) schema = graph.get_schema() OR graph = NeptuneRdfGraph( host='<SPARQL host'>, port=<SPARQL port>, use_iam_auth=False ) schema_elem = graph.get_schema_elements() ... change schema_elements ... graph.load_schema(schema_elem) schema = graph.get_schema() *Security note*: Make sure that the database connection uses credentials that are narrowly-scoped to only include necessary permissions. Failure to do so may result in data corruption or loss, since the calling code may attempt commands that would result in deletion, mutation of data if appropriately prompted or reading sensitive data if such data is present in the database. The best way to guard against such negative outcomes is to (as appropriate) limit the permissions granted to the credentials used with this tool. See for more information. """
[docs] def __init__( self, host: str, port: int = 8182, use_iam_auth: bool = False, region_name: Optional[str] = None, hide_comments: bool = False, ) -> None: self.use_iam_auth = use_iam_auth self.region_name = region_name self.hide_comments = hide_comments self.query_endpoint = f"https://{host}:{port}/sparql" if self.use_iam_auth: try: import boto3 self.session = boto3.Session() except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import boto3 python package. " "Please install it with `pip install boto3`." ) else: self.session = None # Set schema self.schema = "" self.schema_elements: Dict[str, Any] = {} self._refresh_schema()
@property def get_schema(self) -> str: """ Returns the schema of the graph database. """ return self.schema @property def get_schema_elements(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return self.schema_elements
[docs] def query( self, query: str, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Run Neptune query. """ request_data = {"query": query} data = request_data request_hdr = None if self.use_iam_auth: credentials = self.session.get_credentials() credentials = credentials.get_frozen_credentials() access_key = credentials.access_key secret_key = credentials.secret_key service = "neptune-db" session_token = credentials.token params = None creds = SimpleNamespace( access_key=access_key, secret_key=secret_key, token=session_token, region=self.region_name, ) from botocore.awsrequest import AWSRequest request = AWSRequest( method="POST", url=self.query_endpoint, data=data, params=params ) from botocore.auth import SigV4Auth SigV4Auth(creds, service, self.region_name).add_auth(request) request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" request_hdr = request.headers else: request_hdr = {} request_hdr["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" queryres = requests.request( method="POST", url=self.query_endpoint, headers=request_hdr, data=data ) json_resp = json.loads(queryres.text) return json_resp
[docs] def load_schema(self, schema_elements: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Generates and sets schema from schema_elements. Helpful in cases where introspected schema needs pruning. """ elem_str = {} for elem in ELEM_TYPES: res_list = [] for elem_rec in self.schema_elements[elem]: uri = elem_rec["uri"] local = elem_rec["local"] res_str = f"<{uri}> ({local})" if self.hide_comments is False: res_str = res_str + f", {elem_rec['comment']}" res_list.append(res_str) elem_str[elem] = ", ".join(res_list) self.schema = ( "In the following, each IRI is followed by the local name and " "optionally its description in parentheses. \n" "The graph supports the following node types:\n" f"{elem_str['classes']}" "The graph supports the following relationships:\n" f"{elem_str['rels']}" "The graph supports the following OWL object properties, " f"{elem_str['dtprops']}" "The graph supports the following OWL data properties, " f"{elem_str['oprops']}" )
def _get_local_name(self, iri: str) -> Sequence[str]: """ Split IRI into prefix and local """ if "#" in iri: tokens = iri.split("#") return [f"{tokens[0]}#", tokens[-1]] elif "/" in iri: tokens = iri.split("/") return [f"{'/'.join(tokens[0:len(tokens)-1])}/", tokens[-1]] else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected IRI '{iri}', contains neither '#' nor '/'.") def _refresh_schema(self) -> None: """ Query Neptune to introspect schema. """ self.schema_elements["distinct_prefixes"] = {} for elem in ELEM_TYPES: items = self.query(ELEM_TYPES[elem]) reslist = [] for r in items["results"]["bindings"]: uri = r["elem"]["value"] tokens = self._get_local_name(uri) elem_record = {"uri": uri, "local": tokens[1]} if not self.hide_comments: elem_record["comment"] = r["com"]["value"] if "com" in r else "" reslist.append(elem_record) if tokens[0] not in self.schema_elements["distinct_prefixes"]: self.schema_elements["distinct_prefixes"][tokens[0]] = "y" self.schema_elements[elem] = reslist self.load_schema(self.schema_elements)