since cassadra v3.10
PHP Driver supports the Duration
- Given
- a running Cassandra cluster
Use the duration type
- Given
- the following schema:
CREATE KEYSPACE simplex WITH replication = { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 }; USE simplex; CREATE TABLE duration (k text PRIMARY KEY, d duration);
- And
- the following example:
<?php $cluster = Cassandra::cluster()->build(); $session = $cluster->connect("simplex"); $durations = array( array('two_days', new Cassandra\Duration(2, 0, 0)), array('twelve_hours', new Cassandra\Duration(0, 12, 0)), array('three_seconds', new Cassandra\Duration(0, 0, 3 * (1000 ** 3))), array('two_days_twelve_hours_and_three_seconds', new Cassandra\Duration(2, 12, 3 * (1000 ** 3))) ); foreach ($durations as $duration) { $options = array('arguments' => $duration); $session->execute("INSERT INTO duration (k, d) VALUES (?, ?)", $options); } $rows = $session->execute("SELECT * FROM duration"); foreach ($rows as $row) { echo "{$row['k']}: {$row['d']}" . PHP_EOL; }
- When
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should contain these lines in any order:
twelve_hours: 0mo12d0ns three_seconds: 0mo0d3000000000ns two_days_twelve_hours_and_three_seconds: 2mo12d3000000000ns two_days: 2mo0d0ns