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KAAP chart

Kaap manages Apache Pulsar clusters guided by a single CRD, called PulsarCluster.


Import the repository and install the operator:

helm repo add kaap
helm repo update
helm install kaap kaap/kaap 


Install a PulsarCluster resource.

helm upgrade kaap kaap/kaap -f helm/examples/grafana/values.yaml

Wait for the cluster to be up and running

kubectl wait pulsar pulsar-cluster --for condition=Ready=True --timeout=240s

Uninstall the operator and the PulsarCluster

helm uninstall kaap

Upgrading to newer version

Since now the CRDs are in version v1alpha1 you need to replace them when they change. Note this is only needed in the early stages of the project.

kubectl replace -f helm/kaap/crds

Now you can proceed with the upgrade of the operator.

Configure the operator

The operator implementation is based on Quarkus. To configure the operator you can modify the operator.config section.

        logLevel: info|debug|trace
        quarkus: {}
        operator: {}
Configuration property Type Default Description
reconciliationRescheduleSeconds int 5 The number of seconds to wait before rescheduling a reconciliation while waiting for resources to be ready.