Code Generation with GraphRAG¶
In this notebook, we demonstrate that GraphRAG significantly outperforms standard vector-based retrieval for generating working code from documentation. While traditional vector search retrieves relevant snippets, it often lacks the structured understanding needed to produce executable results. In contrast, GraphRAG enables the LLM to follow logical relationships within documentation, leading to functional code generation.
We achieve this by leveraging a custom traversal strategy, selecting nodes that contain both code examples and descriptive text, allowing the LLM to assemble more complete responses.
Getting Started¶
Below we will experiment with the AstraPy documentation to evaluate how well GraphRAG can generate working code.
Using AstraDB as the vector store, we compare GraphRAG’s structured retrieval with standard vector search to solve a specific coding task. The query we will be sending to the LLM is the following:
query = """
Generate a function for connecting to an AstraDB cluster using the AstraPy library,
and retrieve some rows from a collection. The number of rows to return should be a
parameter on the method. Use Token Authentication. Assume the cluster is hosted on
AstraDB. Include the necessary imports and any other necessary setup. The following
environment variables are available for your use:
- `ASTRA_DB_API_ENDPOINT`: The Astra DB API endpoint.
- `ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN`: The Astra DB Application token.
- `ASTRA_DB_KEYSPACE`: The Astra DB keyspace.
- `ASTRA_DB_COLLECTION`: The Astra DB collection." \
The following block will configure the environment from the Colab Secrets. To run it, you should have the following Colab Secrets defined and accessible to this notebook:
: The Astra DB Application token.LANGCHAIN_API_KEY
: Optional. If defined, will enable LangSmith tracing.ASTRA_DB_KEYSPACE
: Optional. If defined, will specify the Astra DB keyspace. If not defined, will use the default.
If you don't yet have access to an AstraDB database, or need to check your credentials, see the help here.
# Install modules.
%pip install \
langchain-core \
langchain-astradb \
langchain-openai \
langchain-graph-retriever \
The last package -- graph-rag-example-helpers
-- includes the helpers and example documents that we will use in this notebook.
# Configure import paths.
import os
import sys
from langchain_core.documents import Document
# Initialize environment variables.
from graph_rag_example_helpers.env import Environment, initialize_environment
os.environ["LANGCHAIN_PROJECT"] = "code-generation"
os.environ["ASTRA_DB_COLLECTION"] = "code_generation"
def print_doc_ids(docs: list[Document]):
[print(f"`{}` has example: {'example' in doc.metadata}") for doc in docs]
Part 1: Loading Data¶
First, we'll demonstrate how to load the example AstraPy documentation into AstraDBVectorStore
. We will be creating a LangChain Document for every module, class, attribute, and function in the package.
We will use the pydoc description field for the page_content
field in the document. Note that not every item in the package has a description. Because of this, there will be many documents that have no page content.
Besides the description, we will also include a bunch of extra information related to the item in the metadata
field. This info can include the item's name, kind, parameters, return type, base class, etc.
The item's id
will be the items path in the package.
Below are two example documents... One with page content and one without.
Example doc with page content¶
Click to expand
id: astrapy.client.DataAPIClient
page_content: |
A client for using the Data API. This is the main entry point and sits
at the top of the conceptual "client -> database -> collection" hierarchy.
A client is created first, optionally passing it a suitable Access Token.
Starting from the client, then:
- databases (Database and AsyncDatabase) are created for working with data
- AstraDBAdmin objects can be created for admin-level work
name: DataAPIClient
kind: class
path: astrapy.client.DataAPIClient
token: |
str | TokenProvider | None = None
an Access Token to the database. Example: `"AstraCS:xyz..."`.
This can be either a literal token string or a subclass of
environment: |
str | None = None
a string representing the target Data API environment.
It can be left unspecified for the default value of `Environment.PROD`;
other values include `Environment.OTHER`, `Environment.DSE`.
callers: |
Sequence[CallerType] = []
a list of caller identities, i.e. applications, or frameworks,
on behalf of which Data API and DevOps API calls are performed.
These end up in the request user-agent.
Each caller identity is a ("caller_name", "caller_version") pair.
example: |
>>> from astrapy import DataAPIClient
>>> my_client = DataAPIClient("AstraCS:...")
>>> my_db0 = my_client.get_database(
... ""
... )
>>> my_coll = my_db0.create_collection("movies", dimension=2)
>>> my_coll.insert_one({"title": "The Title", "$vector": [0.1, 0.3]})
>>> my_db1 = my_client.get_database("01234567-...")
>>> my_db2 = my_client.get_database("01234567-...", region="us-east1")
>>> my_adm0 = my_client.get_admin()
>>> my_adm1 = my_client.get_admin(token=more_powerful_token_override)
>>> database_list = my_adm0.list_databases()
This is the documentation for astrapy.client.DataAPIClient
class. The page_content
field contains the description of the class, and the metadata
field contains the rest of the details, including example code of how to use the class.
The references
metadata field contains the list of related items used in the example code block. The gathered_types
field contains the list of types from the parameters section. In GraphRAG, we can use these fields to link to other documents.
Example doc without page content¶
Click to expand
id: astrapy.admin.AstraDBAdmin.callers
page_content: ""
name: callers
path: astrapy.admin.AstraDBAdmin.callers
kind: attribute
This is the documentation for astrapy.admin.AstraDBAdmin.callers
. The page_content
field is empty, and the metadata
field contains the details.
Despite having no page content, this document can still be useful for Graph RAG. We'll add a parent
field to the metadata at vector store insertion time to link it to the parent document: astrapy.admin.AstraDBAdmin
, and we can use this for traversal.
Create the AstraDBVectorStore¶
Next, we'll create the Vector Store we're going to load these documents into. In our case, we'll use DataStax Astra DB with Open AI embeddings.
from langchain_astradb import AstraDBVectorStore
from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
store = AstraDBVectorStore(
Loading Data¶
Now its time to load the data into our Vector Store. We'll use a helper method to download already prepared documents from the graph-rag-example-helpers
package. If you want to see how these documents were created from the AstraPy package, see details in the Appendix.
We will use the ParentTransformer
to add a parent field to the metadata document field. This will allow us to traverse the graph from a child to its parent.
from graph_rag_example_helpers.datasets.astrapy import fetch_documents
from langchain_graph_retriever.transformers import ParentTransformer
transformer = ParentTransformer(path_delimiter=".")
doc_ids = store.add_documents(transformer.transform_documents(fetch_documents()))
We can retrieve a sample document to check if the parent field was added correctly:
from graph_rag_example_helpers.examples.code_generation import format_document
store.get_by_document_id("astrapy.admin.AstraDBAdmin.callers"), debug=True
callers (attribute) path: astrapy.admin.AstraDBAdmin.callers callers = callers_param parent: astrapy.admin.AstraDBAdmin
At this point, we've created a Vector Store with all the documents from the AstraPy documentation. Each document contains metadata about the module, class, attribute, or function, and the page content contains the description of the item.
In the next section we'll see how to build relationships from the metadata in order to traverse through the documentation in a similar way to how a human would.
Basic Traversal¶
We'll start with the default Eager
strategy, which will traverse the graph in a breadth-first manner. In order to do this we need to set up the relationships between the documents. This is done by defining the "edges" between the documents.
In our case we will connect the "references", "gathered_types", "parent", "implemented_by", and "bases" fields in the metadata to the "id" field of the document they reference.
edges = [
("gathered_types", "$id"),
("references", "$id"),
("parent", "$id"),
("implemented_by", "$id"),
("bases", "$id"),
Note that edges are directional, and indicate metadata fields by default. The magic string $id
is used to indicate the document's id.
In the above edges
list, any document id found in gathered_types
will be connected to documents with the corresponding id. The other edges will work in a similar way.
Lets use these edges to create a LangChain retriever and documents for our query.
from langchain_graph_retriever import GraphRetriever
default_retriever = GraphRetriever(store=store, edges=edges)
print_doc_ids(default_retriever.invoke(query, select_k=6, start_k=3, max_depth=2))
`astrapy.core.db.AsyncAstraDB.collection` has example: False `astrapy.core.db.AstraDB.collection` has example: False `astrapy.admin.DataAPIDatabaseAdmin.list_keyspaces` has example: True `astrapy.admin.DataAPIDatabaseAdmin` has example: True `astrapy.core.db.AsyncAstraDB` has example: False `astrapy.core.db.AstraDBCollection` has example: False
Notes on the extra keyword args:
in GraphRAG is equivalent tok
in LangChain. It specifies the number of nodes to select during retrieval.start_k
indicates the number of nodes to select using standard vector retrieval before moving onto graph traversal.max_depth
is the maximum depth to traverse in the graph.
With this configuration, we were only able to find 2 documents with example code.
import dataclasses
from import Iterable
from graph_retriever.strategies import NodeTracker, Strategy
from graph_retriever.types import Node
class CodeExamples(Strategy):
# internal dictionary to store all nodes found during the traversal
_nodes: dict[str, Node] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
def iteration(self, *, nodes: Iterable[Node], tracker: NodeTracker) -> None:
# save all newly found nodes to the internal node dictionary for later use
self._nodes.update({ n for n in nodes})
# traverse the newly found nodes
new_count = tracker.traverse(nodes=nodes)
# if no new nodes were found, we have reached the end of the traversal
if new_count == 0:
example_nodes = []
description_nodes = []
# iterate over all nodes and separate nodes with examples from nodes with
# descriptions
for node in self._nodes.values():
if "example" in node.metadata:
elif node.content != "":
# select the nodes with examples first and descriptions second
# note: the base `finalize_nodes` method will truncate the list to the
# `select_k` number of nodes
As described in the comments above, this custom strategy will first try to select documents that contain code examples, and then will use documents that contain descriptive text.
We can now use this custom strategy to build a custom retriever, and ask the query again:
custom_retriever = GraphRetriever(store=store, edges=edges, strategy=CodeExamples())
print_doc_ids(custom_retriever.invoke(query, select_k=6, start_k=3, max_depth=2))
`astrapy.admin.DataAPIDatabaseAdmin.list_keyspaces` has example: True `astrapy.admin.DataAPIDatabaseAdmin` has example: True `astrapy.client.DataAPIClient` has example: True `astrapy.database.AsyncDatabase` has example: True `astrapy.database.Database` has example: True `astrapy.authentication.UsernamePasswordTokenProvider` has example: True
Now we have found 6 documents with code examples! That is a significant improvement over the default strategy.
Step 3: Using GraphRAG to Generate Code¶
We now use the CodeExamples
strategy inside a Langchain pipeline to generate code snippets.
We will also use a custom document formatter, which will format the document in a way that makes it look like standard documentation. In particular, it will format all the extra details stored in the metadata in a way that is easy to read. This will help the LLM use the information in the documents to generate code.
from graph_rag_example_helpers.examples.code_generation import format_docs
from langchain.chat_models import init_chat_model
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnablePassthrough
llm = init_chat_model("gpt-4o-mini", model_provider="openai")
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
"""Generate a block of runnable python code using the following documentation as
guidance. Return only the code. Don't include any example usage.
Each documentation page is separated by three dashes (---) on its own line.
If certain pages of the provided documentation aren't useful for answering the
question, feel free to ignore them.
Question: {question}
Related Documentation:
graph_chain = (
{"context": custom_retriever | format_docs, "question": RunnablePassthrough()}
| prompt
| llm
| StrOutputParser()
```python import os from astrapy.client import DataAPIClient from astrapy.collection import Collection def connect_and_retrieve_rows(num_rows): api_endpoint = os.getenv('ASTRA_DB_API_ENDPOINT') application_token = os.getenv('ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN') keyspace = os.getenv('ASTRA_DB_KEYSPACE') collection_name = os.getenv('ASTRA_DB_COLLECTION') client = DataAPIClient(token=application_token) database = client.get_database(api_endpoint) collection = Collection(database=database, name=collection_name, keyspace=keyspace) rows = collection.find(limit=num_rows) return list(rows) ```
We can try running this generated code to see if it works:
import os
from astrapy.client import DataAPIClient
from astrapy.collection import Collection
def connect_and_retrieve_rows(num_rows):
api_endpoint = os.getenv("ASTRA_DB_API_ENDPOINT")
application_token = os.getenv("ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN")
keyspace = os.getenv("ASTRA_DB_KEYSPACE")
collection_name = os.getenv("ASTRA_DB_COLLECTION")
client = DataAPIClient(token=application_token)
database = client.get_database(api_endpoint)
collection = Collection(database=database, name=collection_name, keyspace=keyspace)
rows = collection.find(limit=num_rows)
return list(rows)
for row in connect_and_retrieve_rows(5):
{'_id': '', 'content': 'A representation of an authentication mode for using an embedding model,\nmodeling the corresponding part of the response returned by the\n\'findEmbeddingProviders\' Data API endpoint (namely "supportedAuthentication").', 'metadata': {'kind': 'class', 'name': 'EmbeddingProviderAuthentication', 'path': '', 'parameters': [{'name': 'enabled', 'type': 'bool'}, {'name': 'tokens', 'type': 'list[EmbeddingProviderToken]'}], 'attributes': [{'name': 'enabled', 'type': 'bool', 'description': 'whether this authentication mode is available for a given model.'}, {'name': 'tokens', 'type': 'list[EmbeddingProviderToken]', 'description': 'a list of `EmbeddingProviderToken` objects,\ndetailing the secrets required for the authentication mode.'}], 'gathered_types': ['EmbeddingProviderToken'], 'parent': ''}} {'_id': 'astrapy.defaults.DEV_OPS_RESPONSE_HTTP_CREATED', 'content': '', 'metadata': {'kind': 'attribute', 'name': 'DEV_OPS_RESPONSE_HTTP_CREATED', 'path': 'astrapy.defaults.DEV_OPS_RESPONSE_HTTP_CREATED', 'value': 'DEV_OPS_RESPONSE_HTTP_CREATED = 201', 'parent': 'astrapy.defaults'}} {'_id': '', 'content': '', 'metadata': {'kind': 'attribute', 'name': 'full_name', 'path': '', 'value': 'full_name: str', 'parent': ''}} {'_id': 'astrapy.collection.Collection.full_name', 'content': 'The fully-qualified collection name within the database,\nin the form "keyspace.collection_name".', 'metadata': {'kind': 'attribute', 'name': 'full_name', 'path': 'astrapy.collection.Collection.full_name', 'value': 'full_name: str', 'example': ">>> my_coll.full_name\n'default_keyspace.my_v_collection'", 'parent': 'astrapy.collection.Collection'}} {'_id': 'astrapy.exceptions.DataAPIErrorDescriptor', 'content': 'An object representing a single error returned from the Data API,\ntypically with an error code and a text message.\nAn API request would return with an HTTP 200 success error code,\nbut contain a nonzero amount of these.\n\nA single response from the Data API may return zero, one or more of these.\nMoreover, some operations, such as an insert_many, may partally succeed\nyet return these errors about the rest of the operation (such as,\nsome of the input documents could not be inserted).', 'metadata': {'kind': 'class', 'name': 'DataAPIErrorDescriptor', 'path': 'astrapy.exceptions.DataAPIErrorDescriptor', 'parameters': [{'name': 'error_dict', 'type': 'dict[str, str]'}], 'attributes': [{'name': 'error_code', 'type': 'str | None', 'description': 'a string code as found in the API "error" item.'}, {'name': 'message', 'type': 'str | None', 'description': 'the text found in the API "error" item.'}, {'name': 'attributes', 'type': 'dict[str, Any]', 'description': 'a dict with any further key-value pairs returned by the API.'}], 'parent': 'astrapy.exceptions'}}
The results clearly demonstrate that GraphRAG leads to functional code generation, while standard vector-based retrieval fails.
In contrast, attempts using only an LLM or standard vector-based RAG resulted in incomplete or non-functional outputs. The appendix includes examples illustrating these limitations.
By structuring document relationships effectively, GraphRAG improves retrieval quality, enabling more reliable LLM-assisted code generation.
LLM Alone¶
Here we show how to use the LLM alone to generate code for the query. We will use the same query as before, but modify the prompt to not include any context.
llm_only_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
"""Generate a block of runnable python code. Return only the code.
Don't include any example usage.
Question: {question}
llm_only_chain = (
{"question": RunnablePassthrough()} | llm_only_prompt | llm | StrOutputParser()
```python import os from astra import AstraClient def fetch_rows_from_astra_db(num_rows): # Retrieve environment variables api_endpoint = os.getenv("ASTRA_DB_API_ENDPOINT") application_token = os.getenv("ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN") keyspace = os.getenv("ASTRA_DB_KEYSPACE") collection = os.getenv("ASTRA_DB_COLLECTION") # Initialize the Astra DB client client = AstraClient(api_endpoint, application_token) # Retrieve rows from the specified collection query = f'SELECT * FROM {keyspace}.{collection} LIMIT {num_rows}' response = client.execute_statement(query) # Return the rows retrieved return response['rows'] ```
This code is not functional. The package astra
and the class AstraClient
do not exist.
Standard RAG¶
Here we show how to use the LLM with standard RAG to generate code for the query. We will use the same query and prompt as we did with GraphRAG.
rag_chain = (
"context": store.as_retriever(k=6) | format_docs,
"question": RunnablePassthrough(),
| prompt
| llm
| StrOutputParser()
```python import os from astra import AstraClient def fetch_rows_from_astradb(num_rows): endpoint = os.getenv('ASTRA_DB_API_ENDPOINT') token = os.getenv('ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN') keyspace = os.getenv('ASTRA_DB_KEYSPACE') collection = os.getenv('ASTRA_DB_COLLECTION') client = AstraClient( endpoint=endpoint, token=token ) query = f'SELECT * FROM {keyspace}.{collection} LIMIT {num_rows}' response = client.execute(query) return response['data'] ```
This code is also not functional.