



package partitioner

Provides components for partitioning a Cassandra table into smaller parts of appropriate size. Each partition can be processed locally on at least one cluster node.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. partitioner
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class BucketingRangeIndex[R, T] extends AnyRef


    A special structure for fast lookup of rangesContaining containing given point.

  2. case class CassandraPartition[V, T <: Token[V]](index: Int, endpoints: Iterable[InetAddress], tokenRanges: Iterable[CqlTokenRange[V, T]], dataSize: Long) extends EndpointPartition with Product with Serializable


    Metadata describing Cassandra table partition processed by a single Spark task.

    Metadata describing Cassandra table partition processed by a single Spark task. Beware the term "partition" is overloaded. Here, in the context of Spark, it means an arbitrary collection of rows that can be processed locally on a single Cassandra cluster node. A CassandraPartition typically contains multiple CQL partitions, i.e. rows identified by different values of the CQL partitioning key.


    identifier of the partition, used internally by Spark


    which nodes the data partition is located on


    token ranges determining the row set to be fetched


    estimated amount of data in the partition

  3. class CassandraPartitionedRDD[T] extends RDD[T]


    RDD created by repartitionByCassandraReplica with preferred locations mapping to the CassandraReplicas each partition was created for.

  4. case class CqlTokenRange[V, T <: Token[V]](range: TokenRange[V, T])(implicit tf: TokenFactory[V, T]) extends Product with Serializable


    Stores a CQL WHERE predicate matching a range of tokens.

  5. class DataSizeEstimates[V, T <: Token[V]] extends Logging


    Estimates amount of data in the Cassandra table.

    Estimates amount of data in the Cassandra table. Takes token range size estimates from the system.size_estimates table, available since Cassandra 2.1.5.

  6. trait EndpointPartition extends Partition

  7. trait MonotonicBucketing[-T] extends AnyRef


    A mapping from T values to an integer range [0, n), such that for any (t1: T) > (t2: T), bucket(t1) >= bucket(t2).

  8. class NodeAddresses extends Serializable


    Looks up listen address of a cluster node given its RPC address.

    Looks up listen address of a cluster node given its RPC address. Uses system.peers table as the source of information. If such information for a node is missing, it assumes its listen address equals its RPC address

  9. trait RangeBounds[-R, T] extends AnyRef


    Extracts rangeBounds of a range R.

    Extracts rangeBounds of a range R. This is to allow working with any representation of rangesContaining. The range must not wrap, that is end >= start.

  10. case class ReplicaPartition(index: Int, endpoints: Set[InetAddress]) extends EndpointPartition with Product with Serializable

  11. class ReplicaPartitioner[T] extends Partitioner


    The replica partitioner will work on an RDD which is keyed on sets of InetAddresses representing Cassandra Hosts .

    The replica partitioner will work on an RDD which is keyed on sets of InetAddresses representing Cassandra Hosts . It will group keys which share a common IP address into partitionsPerReplicaSet Partitions.

  12. class TokenRangeClusterer[V, T <: Token[V]] extends AnyRef


    Groups a set of token ranges into groupCount groups containing not more than maxGroupSize token ranges.

    Groups a set of token ranges into groupCount groups containing not more than maxGroupSize token ranges. Each group will form a single CassandraRDDPartition.

    The algorithm is as follows: 1. Sort token ranges by endpoints lexicographically. 2. Take the highest possible number of token ranges from the beginning of the list, such that their sum of ringFraction does not exceed ringFractionPerGroup and they all contain at least one common endpoint. If it is not possible, take at least one item. Those token ranges will make a group. 3. Repeat the previous step until no more token ranges left.

  13. case class TokenRangeWithPartitionIndex[V, T <: Token[V]](range: TokenRange[V, T], partitionIndex: Int) extends Product with Serializable


    Holds a token range together with the index of a partition this token range belongs to

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
