Execution information
Every result contains useful execution information.
- Given
- a running cassandra cluster with schema:
CREATE KEYSPACE simplex WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3}; CREATE TABLE simplex.songs ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY, title text, album text, artist text, tags set<text>, data blob ); INSERT INTO simplex.songs (id, title, album, artist, tags) VALUES ( 756716f7-2e54-4715-9f00-91dcbea6cf50, 'La Petite Tonkinoise', 'Bye Bye Blackbird', 'Joséphine Baker', {'jazz', '2013'}) ; INSERT INTO simplex.songs (id, title, album, artist, tags) VALUES ( f6071e72-48ec-4fcb-bf3e-379c8a696488, 'Die Mösch', 'In Gold', 'Willi Ostermann', {'kölsch', '1996', 'birds'} ); INSERT INTO simplex.songs (id, title, album, artist, tags) VALUES ( fbdf82ed-0063-4796-9c7c-a3d4f47b4b25, 'Memo From Turner', 'Performance', 'Mick Jager', {'soundtrack', '1991'} );
execution information is accessible from execution result
- Given
- the following example:
require 'cassandra' cluster = Cassandra.cluster session = cluster.connect("simplex") execution = session.execute("SELECT * FROM songs", consistency: :one).execution_info puts "coordinator: #{execution.hosts.last.ip}" puts "keyspace: #{execution.keyspace}" puts "cql: #{execution.statement.cql}" puts "requested consistency: #{execution.options.consistency}" puts "actual consistency: #{execution.consistency}" puts "number of retries: #{execution.retries}"
- When
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should match:
coordinator: 127\.0\.0\.(1|2|3)
- And
- its output should contain:
keyspace: simplex cql: SELECT * FROM songs requested consistency: one actual consistency: one number of retries: 0
since cassadra v2.2
execution information includes warnings
- Given
- the following example:
require 'cassandra' cluster = Cassandra.cluster session = cluster.connect("simplex") insert = session.prepare('INSERT INTO simplex.songs ' + '(id, title, album, artist, tags) values ' + '(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)') args0 = [Cassandra::Uuid.new('f6071e72-48ec-4fcb-bf3e-379c8d696488'), 'a' * 5 * 1025, 'a1', 'a1', Set.new(['t1'])] args1 = [Cassandra::Uuid.new('f6071e72-48ec-4fcb-bf3e-379c8d696498'), 'a' * 5 * 1025, 'a1', 'a1', Set.new(['t1'])] batch = session.unlogged_batch do |b| b.add(insert, arguments: args0) b.add(insert, arguments: args1) end execution_info = session.execute(batch).execution_info puts "warnings: #{execution_info.warnings.first}"
- When
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should match:
warnings: Batch.* for .* is of size .*, exceeding specified threshold of 5120
execution information reflects retry decision
- Given
- a file named “retrying_at_a_given_consistency_policy.rb” with:
class RetryingAtAGivenConsistencyPolicy include Cassandra::Retry::Policy def initialize(consistency_to_use) @consistency_to_use = consistency_to_use end def read_timeout(statement, consistency_level, required_responses, received_responses, data_retrieved, retries) try_again(@consistency_to_use) end def write_timeout(statement, consistency_level, write_type, acks_required, acks_received, retries) try_again(@consistency_to_use) end def unavailable(statement, consistency_level, replicas_required, replicas_alive, retries) try_again(@consistency_to_use) end end
- And
- the following example:
require 'cassandra' require 'retrying_at_a_given_consistency_policy' cluster = Cassandra.cluster(retry_policy: RetryingAtAGivenConsistencyPolicy.new(:one)) session = cluster.connect("simplex") execution = session.execute("SELECT * FROM songs", consistency: :all).execution_info puts "requested consistency: #{execution.options.consistency}" puts "actual consistency: #{execution.consistency}" puts "number of retries: #{execution.retries}"
- When
- node 3 stops
- And
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should contain:
requested consistency: all actual consistency: one number of retries: 1