since cassadra v2.1
User-Defined Types
Cassandra 2.1 introduced user-defined types (UDTs).
- Given
- a running cassandra cluster with schema:
CREATE KEYSPACE simplex WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3}; USE simplex; CREATE TYPE address (street text, zipcode int); CREATE TYPE check_in ( location frozen <address>, time timestamp, data frozen <tuple<int, text, float>> ); CREATE TABLE users (id int PRIMARY KEY, location frozen<address>);
Using User-Defined Types with prepared statements
- Given
- the following example:
require 'cassandra' cluster = Cassandra.cluster(consistency: :all) session = cluster.connect('simplex') insert = session.prepare('INSERT INTO users (id, location) VALUES (?, ?)') session.execute(insert, arguments: [0, '123 Main St.', zipcode: 78723)]) session.execute('SELECT * FROM users').each do |row| location = row['location'] puts "Location: #{location}" end
- When
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should contain:
Location: { street: "123 Main St.", zipcode: 78723 }
Using User-Defined Types with raw CQL
- Given
- the following example:
require 'cassandra' cluster = Cassandra.cluster(consistency: :all) session = cluster.connect('simplex') session.execute("INSERT INTO users (id, location) VALUES (0, {street: '123 Main St.', zipcode: 78723})") session.execute('SELECT * FROM users').each do |row| location = row['location'] puts "Location: #{location}" end
- When
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should contain:
Location: { street: "123 Main St.", zipcode: 78723 }
Inspecting User-Defined Types
- Given
- the following example:
require 'cassandra' cluster = Cassandra.cluster cluster.keyspace('simplex').each_type do |type| puts type.to_cql end
- When
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should contain:
CREATE TYPE simplex.address ( street varchar, zipcode int ); CREATE TYPE simplex.check_in ( location frozen <address>, time timestamp, data frozen <tuple<int, varchar, float>> );
Inserting a partially-complete User-Defined Type
- Given
- the following example:
require 'cassandra' cluster = Cassandra.cluster(consistency: :all) session = cluster.connect('simplex') insert = session.prepare('INSERT INTO users (id, location) VALUES (?, ?)') session.execute(insert, arguments: [0, 78723)]) session.execute('SELECT * FROM users').each do |row| location = row['location'] puts "Location: #{location}" end
- When
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should contain:
Location: { street: nil, zipcode: 78723 }
Nesting a User-Defined Type
- Given
- the following example:
require 'cassandra' cluster = Cassandra.cluster(consistency: :all) session = cluster.connect('simplex') session.execute("CREATE TABLE registration (id int PRIMARY KEY, info frozen<check_in>)") insert = session.prepare('INSERT INTO registration (id, info) VALUES (?, ?)') location = '123 Main St.', zipcode: 78723) tuple =, 'math', 3.14) input = location, time:, 123000), data: tuple) session.execute(insert, arguments: [0, input]) session.execute('SELECT * FROM registration').each do |row| info = row['info'] puts "Info: {street: #{info.location.street}, zipcode: #{info.location.zipcode}}, #{info.time.httpdate}, #{}" end
- When
- it is executed
- Then
- its output should contain:
Info: {street: 123 Main St., zipcode: 78723}, Sat, 12 Jan 2013 17:58:41 GMT, (42, math, 3.140000104904175)