# Copyright DataStax, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
import re
import six
from warnings import warn
from cassandra.cqlengine import CQLEngineException, ValidationError
from cassandra.cqlengine import columns
from cassandra.cqlengine import connection
from cassandra.cqlengine import query
from cassandra.cqlengine.query import DoesNotExist as _DoesNotExist
from cassandra.cqlengine.query import MultipleObjectsReturned as _MultipleObjectsReturned
from cassandra.metadata import protect_name
from cassandra.util import OrderedDict
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _clone_model_class(model, attrs):
new_type = type(model.__name__, (model,), attrs)
new_type.__abstract__ = model.__abstract__
new_type.__discriminator_value__ = model.__discriminator_value__
new_type.__default_ttl__ = model.__default_ttl__
except AttributeError:
return new_type
class ModelException(CQLEngineException):
class ModelDefinitionException(ModelException):
class PolymorphicModelException(ModelException):
class UndefinedKeyspaceWarning(Warning):
class hybrid_classmethod(object):
Allows a method to behave as both a class method and
normal instance method depending on how it's called
def __init__(self, clsmethod, instmethod):
self.clsmethod = clsmethod
self.instmethod = instmethod
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self.clsmethod.__get__(owner, owner)
return self.instmethod.__get__(instance, owner)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Just a hint to IDEs that it's ok to call this
raise NotImplementedError
class QuerySetDescriptor(object):
returns a fresh queryset for the given model
it's declared on everytime it's accessed
def __get__(self, obj, model):
""" :rtype: ModelQuerySet """
if model.__abstract__:
raise CQLEngineException('cannot execute queries against abstract models')
queryset = model.__queryset__(model)
# if this is a concrete polymorphic model, and the discriminator
# key is an indexed column, add a filter clause to only return
# logical rows of the proper type
if model._is_polymorphic and not model._is_polymorphic_base:
name, column = model._discriminator_column_name, model._discriminator_column
if column.partition_key or column.index:
# look for existing poly types
return queryset.filter(**{name: model.__discriminator_value__})
return queryset
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Just a hint to IDEs that it's ok to call this
:rtype: ModelQuerySet
raise NotImplementedError
class ConditionalDescriptor(object):
returns a query set descriptor
def __get__(self, instance, model):
if instance:
def conditional_setter(*prepared_conditional, **unprepared_conditionals):
if len(prepared_conditional) > 0:
conditionals = prepared_conditional[0]
conditionals = instance.objects.iff(**unprepared_conditionals)._conditional
instance._conditional = conditionals
return instance
return conditional_setter
qs = model.__queryset__(model)
def conditional_setter(**unprepared_conditionals):
conditionals = model.objects.iff(**unprepared_conditionals)._conditional
qs._conditional = conditionals
return qs
return conditional_setter
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class TTLDescriptor(object):
returns a query set descriptor
def __get__(self, instance, model):
if instance:
# instance = copy.deepcopy(instance)
# instance method
def ttl_setter(ts):
instance._ttl = ts
return instance
return ttl_setter
qs = model.__queryset__(model)
def ttl_setter(ts):
qs._ttl = ts
return qs
return ttl_setter
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class TimestampDescriptor(object):
returns a query set descriptor with a timestamp specified
def __get__(self, instance, model):
if instance:
# instance method
def timestamp_setter(ts):
instance._timestamp = ts
return instance
return timestamp_setter
return model.objects.timestamp
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class IfNotExistsDescriptor(object):
return a query set descriptor with a if_not_exists flag specified
def __get__(self, instance, model):
if instance:
# instance method
def ifnotexists_setter(ife=True):
instance._if_not_exists = ife
return instance
return ifnotexists_setter
return model.objects.if_not_exists
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class IfExistsDescriptor(object):
return a query set descriptor with a if_exists flag specified
def __get__(self, instance, model):
if instance:
# instance method
def ifexists_setter(ife=True):
instance._if_exists = ife
return instance
return ifexists_setter
return model.objects.if_exists
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class ConsistencyDescriptor(object):
returns a query set descriptor if called on Class, instance if it was an instance call
def __get__(self, instance, model):
if instance:
# instance = copy.deepcopy(instance)
def consistency_setter(consistency):
instance.__consistency__ = consistency
return instance
return consistency_setter
qs = model.__queryset__(model)
def consistency_setter(consistency):
qs._consistency = consistency
return qs
return consistency_setter
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class UsingDescriptor(object):
return a query set descriptor with a connection context specified
def __get__(self, instance, model):
if instance:
# instance method
def using_setter(connection=None):
if connection:
instance._connection = connection
return instance
return using_setter
return model.objects.using
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class ColumnQueryEvaluator(query.AbstractQueryableColumn):
Wraps a column and allows it to be used in comparator
expressions, returning query operators
Model.column == 5
def __init__(self, column):
self.column = column
def __unicode__(self):
return self.column.db_field_name
def _get_column(self):
return self.column
class ColumnDescriptor(object):
Handles the reading and writing of column values to and from
a model instance's value manager, as well as creating
comparator queries
def __init__(self, column):
:param column:
:type column: columns.Column
self.column = column
self.query_evaluator = ColumnQueryEvaluator(self.column)
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
Returns either the value or column, depending
on if an instance is provided or not
:param instance: the model instance
:type instance: Model
return instance._values[self.column.column_name].getval()
except AttributeError:
return self.query_evaluator
def __set__(self, instance, value):
Sets the value on an instance, raises an exception with classes
TODO: use None instance to create update statements
if instance:
return instance._values[self.column.column_name].setval(value)
raise AttributeError('cannot reassign column values')
def __delete__(self, instance):
Sets the column value to None, if possible
if instance:
if self.column.can_delete:
raise AttributeError('cannot delete {0} columns'.format(self.column.column_name))
class BaseModel(object):
The base model class, don't inherit from this, inherit from Model, defined below
class DoesNotExist(_DoesNotExist):
class MultipleObjectsReturned(_MultipleObjectsReturned):
objects = QuerySetDescriptor()
ttl = TTLDescriptor()
consistency = ConsistencyDescriptor()
iff = ConditionalDescriptor()
# custom timestamps, see USING TIMESTAMP X
timestamp = TimestampDescriptor()
if_not_exists = IfNotExistsDescriptor()
if_exists = IfExistsDescriptor()
using = UsingDescriptor()
# _len is lazily created by __len__
__table_name__ = None
__table_name_case_sensitive__ = False
__keyspace__ = None
__connection__ = None
__discriminator_value__ = None
__options__ = None
__compute_routing_key__ = True
# the queryset class used for this class
__queryset__ = query.ModelQuerySet
__dmlquery__ = query.DMLQuery
__consistency__ = None # can be set per query
_timestamp = None # optional timestamp to include with the operation (USING TIMESTAMP)
_if_not_exists = False # optional if_not_exists flag to check existence before insertion
_if_exists = False # optional if_exists flag to check existence before update
_table_name = None # used internally to cache a derived table name
_connection = None
def __init__(self, **values):
self._ttl = None
self._timestamp = None
self._conditional = None
self._batch = None
self._timeout = connection.NOT_SET
self._is_persisted = False
self._connection = None
self._values = {}
for name, column in self._columns.items():
# Set default values on instantiation. Thanks to this, we don't have
# to wait anylonger for a call to validate() to have CQLengine set
# default columns values.
column_default = column.get_default() if column.has_default else None
value = values.get(name, column_default)
if value is not None or isinstance(column, columns.BaseContainerColumn):
value = column.to_python(value)
value_mngr = column.value_manager(self, column, value)
value_mngr.explicit = name in values
self._values[name] = value_mngr
def __repr__(self):
return '{0}({1})'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
', '.join('{0}={1!r}'.format(k, getattr(self, k))
for k in self._defined_columns.keys()
if k != self._discriminator_column_name))
def __str__(self):
Pretty printing of models by their primary key
return '{0} <{1}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
', '.join('{0}={1}'.format(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self._primary_keys.keys()))
def _routing_key_from_values(cls, pk_values, protocol_version):
return cls._key_serializer(pk_values, protocol_version)
def _discover_polymorphic_submodels(cls):
if not cls._is_polymorphic_base:
raise ModelException('_discover_polymorphic_submodels can only be called on polymorphic base classes')
def _discover(klass):
if not klass._is_polymorphic_base and klass.__discriminator_value__ is not None:
cls._discriminator_map[klass.__discriminator_value__] = klass
for subklass in klass.__subclasses__():
def _get_model_by_discriminator_value(cls, key):
if not cls._is_polymorphic_base:
raise ModelException('_get_model_by_discriminator_value can only be called on polymorphic base classes')
return cls._discriminator_map.get(key)
def _construct_instance(cls, values):
method used to construct instances from query results
this is where polymorphic deserialization occurs
# we're going to take the values, which is from the DB as a dict
# and translate that into our local fields
# the db_map is a db_field -> model field map
if cls._db_map:
values = dict((cls._db_map.get(k, k), v) for k, v in values.items())
if cls._is_polymorphic:
disc_key = values.get(cls._discriminator_column_name)
if disc_key is None:
raise PolymorphicModelException('discriminator value was not found in values')
poly_base = cls if cls._is_polymorphic_base else cls._polymorphic_base
klass = poly_base._get_model_by_discriminator_value(disc_key)
if klass is None:
klass = poly_base._get_model_by_discriminator_value(disc_key)
if klass is None:
raise PolymorphicModelException(
'unrecognized discriminator column {0} for class {1}'.format(disc_key, poly_base.__name__)
if not issubclass(klass, cls):
raise PolymorphicModelException(
'{0} is not a subclass of {1}'.format(klass.__name__, cls.__name__)
values = dict((k, v) for k, v in values.items() if k in klass._columns.keys())
klass = cls
instance = klass(**values)
return instance
def _set_persisted(self, force=False):
# ensure we don't modify to any values not affected by the last save/update
for v in [v for v in self._values.values() if v.changed or force]:
v.explicit = False
self._is_persisted = True
def _can_update(self):
Called by the save function to check if this should be
persisted with update or insert
if not self._is_persisted:
return False
return all(not self._values[k].changed for k in self._primary_keys)
def _get_keyspace(cls):
Returns the manual keyspace, if set, otherwise the default keyspace
return cls.__keyspace__ or DEFAULT_KEYSPACE
def _get_column(cls, name):
Returns the column matching the given name, raising a key error if
it doesn't exist
:param name: the name of the column to return
:rtype: Column
return cls._columns[name]
def _get_column_by_db_name(cls, name):
Returns the column, mapped by db_field name
return cls._columns.get(cls._db_map.get(name, name))
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
return False
# check attribute keys
keys = set(self._columns.keys())
other_keys = set(other._columns.keys())
if keys != other_keys:
return False
return all(getattr(self, key, None) == getattr(other, key, None) for key in other_keys)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def column_family_name(cls, include_keyspace=True):
Returns the column family name if it's been defined
otherwise, it creates it from the module and class name
cf_name = protect_name(cls._raw_column_family_name())
if include_keyspace:
keyspace = cls._get_keyspace()
if not keyspace:
raise CQLEngineException("Model keyspace is not set and no default is available. Set model keyspace or setup connection before attempting to generate a query.")
return '{0}.{1}'.format(protect_name(keyspace), cf_name)
return cf_name
def _raw_column_family_name(cls):
if not cls._table_name:
if cls.__table_name__:
if cls.__table_name_case_sensitive__:
warn("Model __table_name_case_sensitive__ will be removed in 4.0.", PendingDeprecationWarning)
cls._table_name = cls.__table_name__
table_name = cls.__table_name__.lower()
if cls.__table_name__ != table_name:
warn(("Model __table_name__ will be case sensitive by default in 4.0. "
"You should fix the __table_name__ value of the '{0}' model.").format(cls.__name__))
cls._table_name = table_name
if cls._is_polymorphic and not cls._is_polymorphic_base:
cls._table_name = cls._polymorphic_base._raw_column_family_name()
camelcase = re.compile(r'([a-z])([A-Z])')
ccase = lambda s: camelcase.sub(lambda v: '{0}_{1}'.format(v.group(1), v.group(2).lower()), s)
cf_name = ccase(cls.__name__)
# trim to less than 48 characters or cassandra will complain
cf_name = cf_name[-48:]
cf_name = cf_name.lower()
cf_name = re.sub(r'^_+', '', cf_name)
cls._table_name = cf_name
return cls._table_name
def _set_column_value(self, name, value):
"""Function to change a column value without changing the value manager states"""
self._values[name].value = value # internal assignement, skip the main setter
def validate(self):
Cleans and validates the field values
for name, col in self._columns.items():
v = getattr(self, name)
if v is None and not self._values[name].explicit and col.has_default:
v = col.get_default()
val = col.validate(v)
self._set_column_value(name, val)
# Let an instance be used like a dict of its columns keys/values
def __iter__(self):
""" Iterate over column ids. """
for column_id in self._columns.keys():
yield column_id
def __getitem__(self, key):
""" Returns column's value. """
if not isinstance(key, six.string_types):
raise TypeError
if key not in self._columns.keys():
raise KeyError
return getattr(self, key)
def __setitem__(self, key, val):
""" Sets a column's value. """
if not isinstance(key, six.string_types):
raise TypeError
if key not in self._columns.keys():
raise KeyError
return setattr(self, key, val)
def __len__(self):
Returns the number of columns defined on that model.
return self._len
self._len = len(self._columns.keys())
return self._len
def keys(self):
""" Returns a list of column IDs. """
return [k for k in self]
def values(self):
""" Returns list of column values. """
return [self[k] for k in self]
def items(self):
""" Returns a list of column ID/value tuples. """
return [(k, self[k]) for k in self]
def _as_dict(self):
""" Returns a map of column names to cleaned values """
values = self._dynamic_columns or {}
for name, col in self._columns.items():
values[name] = col.to_database(getattr(self, name, None))
return values
def create(cls, **kwargs):
Create an instance of this model in the database.
Takes the model column values as keyword arguments. Setting a value to
`None` is equivalent to running a CQL `DELETE` on that column.
Returns the instance.
extra_columns = set(kwargs.keys()) - set(cls._columns.keys())
if extra_columns:
raise ValidationError("Incorrect columns passed: {0}".format(extra_columns))
return cls.objects.create(**kwargs)
def all(cls):
Returns a queryset representing all stored objects
This is a pass-through to the model objects().all()
return cls.objects.all()
def filter(cls, *args, **kwargs):
Returns a queryset based on filter parameters.
This is a pass-through to the model objects().:method:`~cqlengine.queries.filter`.
return cls.objects.filter(*args, **kwargs)
def get(cls, *args, **kwargs):
Returns a single object based on the passed filter constraints.
This is a pass-through to the model objects().:method:`~cqlengine.queries.get`.
return cls.objects.get(*args, **kwargs)
def timeout(self, timeout):
Sets a timeout for use in :meth:`~.save`, :meth:`~.update`, and :meth:`~.delete`
assert self._batch is None, 'Setting both timeout and batch is not supported'
self._timeout = timeout
return self
def save(self):
Saves an object to the database.
.. code-block:: python
#create a person instance
person = Person(first_name='Kimberly', last_name='Eggleston')
#saves it to Cassandra
# handle polymorphic models
if self._is_polymorphic:
if self._is_polymorphic_base:
raise PolymorphicModelException('cannot save polymorphic base model')
setattr(self, self._discriminator_column_name, self.__discriminator_value__)
self.__dmlquery__(self.__class__, self,
self._timestamp = None
return self
def update(self, **values):
Performs an update on the model instance. You can pass in values to set on the model
for updating, or you can call without values to execute an update against any modified
fields. If no fields on the model have been modified since loading, no query will be
performed. Model validation is performed normally. Setting a value to `None` is
equivalent to running a CQL `DELETE` on that column.
It is possible to do a blind update, that is, to update a field without having first selected the object out of the database.
See :ref:`Blind Updates <blind_updates>`
for column_id, v in values.items():
col = self._columns.get(column_id)
# check for nonexistant columns
if col is None:
raise ValidationError(
"{0}.{1} has no column named: {2}".format(
self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, column_id))
# check for primary key update attempts
if col.is_primary_key:
current_value = getattr(self, column_id)
if v != current_value:
raise ValidationError(
"Cannot apply update to primary key '{0}' for {1}.{2}".format(
column_id, self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__))
setattr(self, column_id, v)
# handle polymorphic models
if self._is_polymorphic:
if self._is_polymorphic_base:
raise PolymorphicModelException('cannot update polymorphic base model')
setattr(self, self._discriminator_column_name, self.__discriminator_value__)
self.__dmlquery__(self.__class__, self,
self._timestamp = None
return self
def delete(self):
Deletes the object from the database
self.__dmlquery__(self.__class__, self,
def get_changed_columns(self):
Returns a list of the columns that have been updated since instantiation or save
return [k for k, v in self._values.items() if v.changed]
def _class_batch(cls, batch):
return cls.objects.batch(batch)
def _inst_batch(self, batch):
assert self._timeout is connection.NOT_SET, 'Setting both timeout and batch is not supported'
if self._connection:
raise CQLEngineException("Cannot specify a connection on model in batch mode.")
self._batch = batch
return self
batch = hybrid_classmethod(_class_batch, _inst_batch)
def _class_get_connection(cls):
return cls.__connection__
def _inst_get_connection(self):
return self._connection or self.__connection__
_get_connection = hybrid_classmethod(_class_get_connection, _inst_get_connection)
class ModelMetaClass(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
# move column definitions into columns dict
# and set default column names
column_dict = OrderedDict()
primary_keys = OrderedDict()
pk_name = None
# get inherited properties
inherited_columns = OrderedDict()
for base in bases:
for k, v in getattr(base, '_defined_columns', {}).items():
inherited_columns.setdefault(k, v)
# short circuit __abstract__ inheritance
is_abstract = attrs['__abstract__'] = attrs.get('__abstract__', False)
# short circuit __discriminator_value__ inheritance
attrs['__discriminator_value__'] = attrs.get('__discriminator_value__')
# TODO __default__ttl__ should be removed in the next major release
options = attrs.get('__options__') or {}
attrs['__default_ttl__'] = options.get('default_time_to_live')
column_definitions = [(k, v) for k, v in attrs.items() if isinstance(v, columns.Column)]
column_definitions = sorted(column_definitions, key=lambda x: x[1].position)
is_polymorphic_base = any([c[1].discriminator_column for c in column_definitions])
column_definitions = [x for x in inherited_columns.items()] + column_definitions
discriminator_columns = [c for c in column_definitions if c[1].discriminator_column]
is_polymorphic = len(discriminator_columns) > 0
if len(discriminator_columns) > 1:
raise ModelDefinitionException('only one discriminator_column can be defined in a model, {0} found'.format(len(discriminator_columns)))
if attrs['__discriminator_value__'] and not is_polymorphic:
raise ModelDefinitionException('__discriminator_value__ specified, but no base columns defined with discriminator_column=True')
discriminator_column_name, discriminator_column = discriminator_columns[0] if discriminator_columns else (None, None)
if isinstance(discriminator_column, (columns.BaseContainerColumn, columns.Counter)):
raise ModelDefinitionException('counter and container columns cannot be used as discriminator columns')
# find polymorphic base class
polymorphic_base = None
if is_polymorphic and not is_polymorphic_base:
def _get_polymorphic_base(bases):
for base in bases:
if getattr(base, '_is_polymorphic_base', False):
return base
klass = _get_polymorphic_base(base.__bases__)
if klass:
return klass
polymorphic_base = _get_polymorphic_base(bases)
defined_columns = OrderedDict(column_definitions)
# check for primary key
if not is_abstract and not any([v.primary_key for k, v in column_definitions]):
raise ModelDefinitionException("At least 1 primary key is required.")
counter_columns = [c for c in defined_columns.values() if isinstance(c, columns.Counter)]
data_columns = [c for c in defined_columns.values() if not c.primary_key and not isinstance(c, columns.Counter)]
if counter_columns and data_columns:
raise ModelDefinitionException('counter models may not have data columns')
has_partition_keys = any(v.partition_key for (k, v) in column_definitions)
def _transform_column(col_name, col_obj):
column_dict[col_name] = col_obj
if col_obj.primary_key:
primary_keys[col_name] = col_obj
# set properties
attrs[col_name] = ColumnDescriptor(col_obj)
partition_key_index = 0
# transform column definitions
for k, v in column_definitions:
# don't allow a column with the same name as a built-in attribute or method
if k in BaseModel.__dict__:
raise ModelDefinitionException("column '{0}' conflicts with built-in attribute/method".format(k))
# counter column primary keys are not allowed
if (v.primary_key or v.partition_key) and isinstance(v, columns.Counter):
raise ModelDefinitionException('counter columns cannot be used as primary keys')
# this will mark the first primary key column as a partition
# key, if one hasn't been set already
if not has_partition_keys and v.primary_key:
v.partition_key = True
has_partition_keys = True
if v.partition_key:
v._partition_key_index = partition_key_index
partition_key_index += 1
overriding = column_dict.get(k)
if overriding:
v.position = overriding.position
v.partition_key = overriding.partition_key
v._partition_key_index = overriding._partition_key_index
_transform_column(k, v)
partition_keys = OrderedDict(k for k in primary_keys.items() if k[1].partition_key)
clustering_keys = OrderedDict(k for k in primary_keys.items() if not k[1].partition_key)
if attrs.get('__compute_routing_key__', True):
key_cols = [c for c in partition_keys.values()]
partition_key_index = dict((col.db_field_name, col._partition_key_index) for col in key_cols)
key_cql_types = [c.cql_type for c in key_cols]
key_serializer = staticmethod(lambda parts, proto_version: [t.to_binary(p, proto_version) for t, p in zip(key_cql_types, parts)])
partition_key_index = {}
key_serializer = staticmethod(lambda parts, proto_version: None)
# setup partition key shortcut
if len(partition_keys) == 0:
if not is_abstract:
raise ModelException("at least one partition key must be defined")
if len(partition_keys) == 1:
pk_name = [x for x in partition_keys.keys()][0]
attrs['pk'] = attrs[pk_name]
# composite partition key case, get/set a tuple of values
_get = lambda self: tuple(self._values[c].getval() for c in partition_keys.keys())
_set = lambda self, val: tuple(self._values[c].setval(v) for (c, v) in zip(partition_keys.keys(), val))
attrs['pk'] = property(_get, _set)
# some validation
col_names = set()
for v in column_dict.values():
# check for duplicate column names
if v.db_field_name in col_names:
raise ModelException("{0} defines the column '{1}' more than once".format(name, v.db_field_name))
if v.clustering_order and not (v.primary_key and not v.partition_key):
raise ModelException("clustering_order may be specified only for clustering primary keys")
if v.clustering_order and v.clustering_order.lower() not in ('asc', 'desc'):
raise ModelException("invalid clustering order '{0}' for column '{1}'".format(repr(v.clustering_order), v.db_field_name))
# create db_name -> model name map for loading
db_map = {}
for col_name, field in column_dict.items():
db_field = field.db_field_name
if db_field != col_name:
db_map[db_field] = col_name
# add management members to the class
attrs['_columns'] = column_dict
attrs['_primary_keys'] = primary_keys
attrs['_defined_columns'] = defined_columns
# maps the database field to the models key
attrs['_db_map'] = db_map
attrs['_pk_name'] = pk_name
attrs['_dynamic_columns'] = {}
attrs['_partition_keys'] = partition_keys
attrs['_partition_key_index'] = partition_key_index
attrs['_key_serializer'] = key_serializer
attrs['_clustering_keys'] = clustering_keys
attrs['_has_counter'] = len(counter_columns) > 0
# add polymorphic management attributes
attrs['_is_polymorphic_base'] = is_polymorphic_base
attrs['_is_polymorphic'] = is_polymorphic
attrs['_polymorphic_base'] = polymorphic_base
attrs['_discriminator_column'] = discriminator_column
attrs['_discriminator_column_name'] = discriminator_column_name
attrs['_discriminator_map'] = {} if is_polymorphic_base else None
# setup class exceptions
DoesNotExistBase = None
for base in bases:
DoesNotExistBase = getattr(base, 'DoesNotExist', None)
if DoesNotExistBase is not None:
DoesNotExistBase = DoesNotExistBase or attrs.pop('DoesNotExist', BaseModel.DoesNotExist)
attrs['DoesNotExist'] = type('DoesNotExist', (DoesNotExistBase,), {})
MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = None
for base in bases:
MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = getattr(base, 'MultipleObjectsReturned', None)
if MultipleObjectsReturnedBase is not None:
MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = MultipleObjectsReturnedBase or attrs.pop('MultipleObjectsReturned', BaseModel.MultipleObjectsReturned)
attrs['MultipleObjectsReturned'] = type('MultipleObjectsReturned', (MultipleObjectsReturnedBase,), {})
# create the class and add a QuerySet to it
klass = super(ModelMetaClass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
udts = []
for col in column_dict.values():
columns.resolve_udts(col, udts)
for user_type in set(udts):
return klass
class Model(BaseModel):
__abstract__ = True
*Optional.* Indicates that this model is only intended to be used as a base class for other models.
You can't create tables for abstract models, but checks around schema validity are skipped during class construction.
__table_name__ = None
*Optional.* Sets the name of the CQL table for this model. If left blank, the table name will be the name of the model, with it's module name as it's prefix. Manually defined table names are not inherited.
__table_name_case_sensitive__ = False
*Optional.* By default, __table_name__ is case insensitive. Set this to True if you want to preserve the case sensitivity.
__keyspace__ = None
Sets the name of the keyspace used by this model.
__connection__ = None
Sets the name of the default connection used by this model.
__options__ = None
*Optional* Table options applied with this model
(e.g. compaction, default ttl, cache settings, tec.)
__discriminator_value__ = None
*Optional* Specifies a value for the discriminator column when using model inheritance.
__compute_routing_key__ = True
*Optional* Setting False disables computing the routing key for TokenAwareRouting